In Other News: MH17

A look at a current news item through the lens of different titles available on GVRL.

By Michelle Eickmeyer

This story is heart-breaking. Everything about the events in Ukraine since 17 July have not made logical or reasonable sense. A commercial airliner with 298 passengers flew, at an approved height, over a battle zone. Fighters in that area blew it out of the sky, believing only a military plane would fly there, with weapons provided by another nation. Then, for days, the same fighters laid a sordid claim to the wreckage, holding the victims and their family in some cruel, unthinkable, inhumane limbo — they held the bodies of victims; they rummaged through their belongings; they took photos. Finger pointing began immediately, and few solid answers have found their way to the surface. The black boxes have finally been turned over and international authorities have begun an increasingly difficult task of proving what happened. Based solely on facts and without pressure from any side.

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10 Tips for Resume Perfection

Resume Resources for Job Seekers

By Phyllicia Morgan

It’s no secret how much a resume can make or break your chances of landing a job interview, or better yet, being chosen for the gig. According to recent studies, a recruiter spends an average of 6 seconds before they decide upon moving a resume forward or tossing it in the trash. Here are 10 tips for resume perfection that are bound to get your resume past the initial glance, keeping it out of the trash!

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In Other News: Hyperthermia

A look at a current news item through the lens of different titles available on GVRL.

By Michelle Eickmeyer

That’s the technical term — hyperthermia. To most of us, it’s the gut-wrenching and heart-breaking situation of a child dying in a hot car. Each summer, the saddest of stories plays out in the news. For one reason or another, a child is alone in a car and he or she dies. There are variants to the story, and, sadly, sometimes lingering suspicions of guilt. In 2013, 44 children died from exposure inside a vehicle in the United States. There have been nearly 20 already this year. (Source)

Here are five titles that look at hyperthermia from different perspectives:

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Genealogy Tips to Handle the Pitfalls of Passenger Records

Genealogy Public Library Resources

By Michael Tepper

Researchers often run into problems when they are on the trail of an immigrant ancestor. The most common misconception about passenger lists is the belief that people had their names changed when they got to Ellis Island. In fact, immigrants did not change their names unless they applied for a change of name by deed poll at a courthouse or when they were naturalized. During processing at Ellis Island, officials had the actual ships’ manifests in front of them. They called each immigrant by name, according to the manifests, and often put a check next to the name after it had been called. So the passenger records are an exact reflection of the immigrants’ identities before they crossed the Atlantic, not after.

Read moreGenealogy Tips to Handle the Pitfalls of Passenger Records

Michigan eLibrary Boosts Local Economy

Public Libraries support local business

By Gale Marketing Research Team

In June 2013, the Michigan eLibrary (MeL), a service of the Library of Michigan, added three Gale online resources – DemographicsNow: Business & People, BusinessInsights: Global, and Gale LegalForms – plus a collection of business-oriented GVRL eBooks to their portfolio.

The decision to purchase business resources for Michigan resulted in funding proposed by the office of Michigan Governor Rick Snyder as part of his “Economic Gardening” initiative to grow businesses in the state, which was then enacted by the Michigan state legislature.

Before MeL had these new business resources available, libraries had to buy their own. Many didn’t have the funds to do so, according to Deb Biggs Thomas, Michigan eLibrary & Outreach Coordinator at the Library of Michigan.

Read moreMichigan eLibrary Boosts Local Economy

Chilton MARC Records Now Available

Chilton Auto Repair Library Resource

Gale is committed to helping your library boost patron usage of its products. To assist with online discovery, Chilton MARC records are now available for download at

Once MARC records are in place, the library user will be directed from their catalog search to the Chilton landing page where they can select the appropriate year, make and model of interest.

To download Chilton MARC records, please follow these simple steps:

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Resources for Curbing Kids’ Summer Weight Gain

Kids Summer Weight Gain

By Jacquelyn Goetz Bluethmann

GVRL Healthy living ebooks

Ice cream, popsicles, and other sugary snacks are certainly plentiful in the summer months, one of many factors for children being at a greater risk for weight gain during their time off from school. Research available from the National Summer Learning Association has shown this to be true. Without the structure of school, children gain weight two to three times faster in the summer months.

It’s a cause close to First Lady Michelle Obama’s heart and one of the main reasons the Obama administration launched its “Let’s Read. Let’s Move.” campaign. The campaign has the duel goal of curbing summer learning loss and preventing childhood obesity.

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Enhancements to Gale Courses Admin and Reporting

Gale Courses Product Update

We’ve been listening to customer feedback and based on your suggestions, we’re introducing a new and improved Gale Courses Information Center (IC), formerly known as the Online Admin Center (OAC)! The new streamlined IC dashboard will be available on July 14.

Benefits of the new IC include:

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