ChiltonLibrary Delivers GM’s Newest Marque and the Latest Updates

By Chilton Staff ChiltonLibrary recently updated its General Motors coverage, including GM’s newest make. GM is a storied company, reigning as the biggest carmaker on the planet for decades. Unlike others, however, General Motors didn’t begin by inventing or designing automobiles. It all started when GM bought Buick, Oldsmobile, Cadillac, and other fledgling automakers. For … Read more

Happy 120th Birthday, Chilton!

| By Chilton Staff | James Artman is known as the founder of Chilton Company. Artman was already a publisher when George H. Buzby and C. A. Musselman joined him to establish Chilton Co. on March 31, 1904, in Philadelphia. Celebrating 120 years since its founding, Chilton became a successful publisher and research company—however, it … Read more

How to Repair Your Ornithopter

“My father was a master mechanic; I grew up with a screwdriver in one hand and a pair of pliers in the other.”*  – Frank Herbert | By Ryan Lee Price | In an era when character development and plot structure took a back seat to technological ideas and dystopian/utopian predictions, Frank Herbert deliberately suppressed … Read more

Garrett Morgan, an American Hero

Garrett A. Morgan invented the first intelligent transportation safety device.His safety inventions saved thousands of lives. |By Chilton Staff | When a natural gas explosion asphyxiated tunnel workers and six rescue teams under Lake Erie in 1916, police called Garrett Morgan, inventor of a gas mask, in the middle of the night. He and his … Read more

New Ford Service Manual Data from ChiltonLibrary

| By Chilton Staff | The ChiltonLibrary OEM (original equipment maker) data is written by Ford and Lincoln engineers to aid dealer technicians, so it’s detailed and complete. You’ll find the Ford and Lincoln OEM data is rich with authoritative, step-by-step procedures, illustrations, specifications, and more that ChiltonLibrary users require. And, as vehicles evolve, ChiltonLibrary keeps … Read more

ChiltonLibrary Updates Jeep, Dodge, Ram, and Chrysler

| By Chilton Staff | In 2021, a new auto company was born when Fiat Chrysler merged with Peugeot SA. The following year, the giant corporation became the fourth-largest automaker in the world, after Toyota, Volkswagen, and Hyundai. It’s a constellation of 14 automotive brands with roots that go back to the beginning of the … Read more

Basic Vehicle Awareness – 3 Quick Checks From Chilton

| By Gene Hannon Jr. | Basic vehicle awareness consists of simple things we can do that might help us avoid a bad situation, like a flat tire. We count on our vehicles to get us where we want to go safely. Most vehicles are reliable, but extreme weather and busy schedules can mean trouble … Read more

Asian Vehicle Updates Arrive at ChiltonLibrary!

| By Chilton Staff | ChiltonLibrary, the comprehensive online automotive resource, updated Japanese and South Korean vehicle makes and models with factory service information. Chilton provides original equipment manufacturer (OEM) maintenance and repair information—the same data that dealer technicians use. Updated vehicle makes Key features These updates include detailed and complete information with an easy-to-use … Read more