Product Update: Books & Authors

1 min read

| By Gale Staff |

After 10+ years of sharing great books with you, Books & Authors is getting design and functionality enhancements. As of August 23, 2019, the current version will no longer be available and all users will be directed to the new experience, which includes enhancements like Search Assist, integrated G Suite for Education and Microsoft Office 365 tools, and more.

Improved Accessibility and New Features
For a full list of what’s changing, visit

Action Required for Reading Lists
Because of these upgrades some functionality is changing, notably the discontinuation of the My Reading Room feature. Please download any lists you may have created in your instance of My Reading Room prior to August 23, 2019 to avoid any loss of data.

  • Log in to Books & Authors
  • Navigate to My Reading Room
  • Expand your lists to show all titles, reviews, etc.
  • Use the download tool to save your content elsewhere (your computer, cloud, etc.)

For additional support, you may contact [email protected].

In the future, you will be able to use integrated G Suite for Education and Microsoft Office 365 tools to share, save, and download content.


1 thought on “Product Update: Books & Authors”

  1. If every person came to the library and spend time reading, browsing, and a thousand other things one can do here, our Country – our lives will be so much better! I regret that I didn’t find this out earlier in my life! Maybe if we had the internet it might have been.


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