Libraries Forever……

2 min read

By Nann T. 

Just because of the techy developments of today does not mean that libraries are to become irrelevant….look at History….Libraries have continued to exist for centuries due to their need….the need of people to research and to read, to collect and to write….their reflections of their lives, the events….The idea that libraries are to be diminished is ridiculous…like the microwave and the stove….Exist side by side, all of the collecting points that Man finds to be necessary.

As a young child, we were at the Library every Saturday afternoon….returning the books from last Saturday’s jaunt, and selecting new books to collect and take home for our week’s worth of reading….as many books as we could carry in our arms…and we did read those books…..Both of my parents encouraged us to read, and provided time set aside for our reading ….literature…to accompany what we were discovering in our schooling….TV was not consuming our free time….and there was not the technology of today….So, I am a continual Reader in my life of today….online…..purchased books….my own home Library of books that I want to have around me….books that I have read….The eReader is certainly not of any interest to me….I want the paper-print edition of the book I am reading to be held in my hands…,.to be set aside, momentarily while I go along with necessary chores of my home….and then, to return to the book and pick it up in my hands….and return to the adventure found in the reading of that book…..!!!Face Mask Required Signs for Businesses, Restaurants and Offices

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