Happy 120th Birthday, Chilton!

| By Chilton Staff | James Artman is known as the founder of Chilton Company. Artman was already a publisher when George H. Buzby and C. A. Musselman joined him to establish Chilton Co. on March 31, 1904, in Philadelphia. Celebrating 120 years since its founding, Chilton became a successful publisher and research company—however, it … Read more

New Release: American Men & Women of Science

| By By K. Lee Lerner | The 42nd edition of the venerable and widely trusted American Men & Women of Science has officially released and introduces 2,000 new listees to this premier compendium of accomplished American scientists. In continuous publication since 1906, American Men & Women of Science showcases the vital work and achievements … Read more

Terra-cotta Army Discovered in China

| By J. Robert Parks | Many of the great archaeological finds are made through careful planning, as researchers and archaeologists determine where they are likely to find something and then explore and dig until they do. Other finds, however, happen through sheer happenstance. Such was the case with one of the greatest archaeological discoveries … Read more

The Gale Encyclopedia of Mental Health, 5th Edition

| By Gale Staff | Mental health is one of the most-discussed issues of our time. It is a constant theme in the news media and on social media. It would be difficult to overstate the relevance of mental health and mental illness to discussions of everything from personal well-being to population-level social issues. The … Read more

Create an Out-of-This-World Lesson for the Eclipse

| By Gale Staff | Monday, April 8, 2024, marks a major astronomical event across North America—a total solar eclipse. Those living in its direct path, known as “the path of totality,” will experience over four minutes of night-like darkness. Millions eagerly anticipate this astounding moment, as the next total solar eclipse visible from the … Read more

Uncover the Untold Story Behind the Emancipation Proclamation

| By Gale Staff | Months before Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation into law, he proposed a resolution offering financial compensation for states that adopted a gradual emancipation model. While the resolution passed in Congress, it was unpopular with the Confederate border states, none of which accepted the deal. On April 16, 1862, the … Read more

Teaching the Complex History of the Women’s Suffrage Movement

| By Elizabeth Mohn | Women’s History Month, celebrated in March each year, is a time to learn about and honor the contributions women have made and the struggles they have faced throughout history. Educators can use this month to direct students’ focus to women and help remind them that many Americans have faced inequality … Read more

Platform Migration: Chatham House Online Archive

| By Gale Staff | At the end of March, we will be migrating Chatham House Online Archive to a new platform. Based off the culmination of years of research and firsthand feedback from faculty members and librarians, the updates to Chatham House Online Archive are in-line with other recent upgrades to Gale Primary Sources … Read more