Since its inception the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has taken part in some of the most contentious legal battles in American history. The ACLU has once again become a central figure in a contentious legal battle following their objections to the recent Executive Order restricting immigration from 7 countries. The ACLU has a long history of fighting restrictions on immigration they deem in violation of civil liberties. The documents below found in the American Civil Liberties Union Papers, 1912-1990 are several examples of the ACLU’s past involvement in issues surrounding immigration.
1. Deportation: Wheeler, Yoko
2. Immigration: Chinese Exclusion Laws; Correspondence, etc
3. Federal: Dangerous Aliens Immigration Bill
4. Immigration: Hungarian Refugees
5. Immigration: “Inadmissible Aliens”-General Restriction Issues
6. Immigration: Legislation: Quotas and Natural Origin
7. Department of Justice: President’s Commission on Immigration and Naturalization