We are proud to be working with EveryLibrary to help promote National Entrepreneurship Week 2019, a congressionally-chartered initiative dedicated to showcasing and supporting entrepreneurship throughout the United States.
We know libraries are supporting entrepreneurship as a core mission and are increasingly serving as vital members of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. This year, we’re inviting your library to become a National Entrepreneurship Week 2019 Library. By joining, you pledge to support entrepreneurship in local communities, hold local and virtual events to showcase entrepreneurship, and spread the impact of entrepreneurship on a national scale. As a bonus, EveryLibrary will provide you with #NatlEshipWeek promotional tools, filled with tips on making your social media outreach even stronger.
In the meantime, please explore how Gale Small Business Solutions can help your library support small business development and entrepreneurship research in your community.
Sign up today and help more entrepreneurs, innovators, and starters connect with their librarians!nike sb zoom bruin premium se pink and blue hair