The Bookmobile

1 min read

By Ellie A. 

I have many fond memories of the Bookmobile in Grand Rapids, MI, back in the 40’s. During the summer months, it would come regularly to our neighborhood and I looked forward to each visit.. My favorite books at the time were Nancy Drew mysteries, 1001 Nights and Black Beauty. It was also a special day when we rode the bus downtown to the Grand Rapids Public Library. Reading is still one of my favorite pastimes after all these years.Mens Flynit Trainers

5 thoughts on “The Bookmobile”

  1. I forgot to mention in my Bookmobile story that I have worked at the Portage Lake District Library in Houghton, Michigan for many years. The job of my dreams! I am still a sub there. It was originally a Carnegie Library until our new Library was built recently. It is located right next to Portage Lake and the view from the Library is spectacular. Visited us on Facebook.

  2. I enjoyed reading your bookmobile story. I myself have many fond memories from around 8 years of age of the Bookmobile coming to one of our local shopping centers. My mother used to bring my twin sister and I there to check out books, as well as going to our local branch library. I remember how excited we would get when we’d see the lavishly painted bus just waiting for us to board & search for books! I now work for our local library system, also my dream job, despite many budget setbacks causing layoffs & having to start over at the bottom. It has not changed my enthusiasm for the library, and I still get a special feeling when I help someone find something they really need, especially the children. I love books and reading and would much rather be reading than watching TV. Here’s to our libraries – may they always remain strong & a vital source for our communities!


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