Academic libraries need to be embedded in campus culture
New survey from Gale and Library Journal reveals disconnects among academic faculty and librarians
Early this spring, Gale and Library Journal began planning for a survey to better understand the relationship between academic faculty and librarians. We knew on some level that there was a disconnect between the two groups but we were surprised by some of the results – and just how big the gap appears to be.
Working with Library Journal, we reached out to academic faculty and librarians across the U.S. and received roughly one thousand survey responses. The objective of the survey was to see if faculty and librarians were on the same page when it comes to understanding the purpose and essential functions of an academic library: Do they communicate their respective needs to each other? Is there room for improvement?
The infographic displays some of the most interesting statistics and the disconnects among the two groups when it comes to collaboration, communication and the role of the library on campus. The results revealed that campus libraries are not often looked at as essential parts of campus culture.
The report with the full survey results are available here.
These survey results have helped us better understand the challenges facing academic libraries – the need to foster closer connections with faculty and administrators, and to engrain the library in campus culture – and we hope our customers see us as a partner in helping to bridge that gap.
We encourage you to share this infographic and move the conversation forward.

About the Author
Jennifer loves her children, dogs, and Jane Austen. She has a B.A. in English and Sociology from the University of Michigan, and spends her waking hours as a marketing director and feeding her family.
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