Teacher Tools Available for Britannica eBooks

That’s right. Nearly 400 Britannica eBooks on GVRL can now be accompanied with notes that are extremely helpful to teachers. What’s inside each teacher note document? Teachers will find a summary of the text, related standards, vocabulary used, and discussion prompts for use prior to independent reading sessions, as well as questions for students to … Read more

Exchanging Ideas: Inspiring Conferences I Attended in 2017

| By Heather Hedden, Senior Vocabulary Editor, Gale |

Gale participates in a variety of industry conferences, not merely as an exhibitor, but from a thought leadership perspective as well where they have the company’s subject matter experts speak at various conferences beyond the traditional library field. As a senior vocabulary editor who updates and maintains the Gale subject thesaurus, I truly believe that conferences are not just for developing business, but also serve as a place for exchanging creative ideas. I have spoken at a number of conferences this year and have enjoyed both sharing my knowledge and coming away with new ideas.

The conferences I attended throughout 2017 were so empowering, I wanted to share them with you:

Read moreExchanging Ideas: Inspiring Conferences I Attended in 2017

How Public Libraries Are Graduating Adults

As one of our nation’s most trusted educational institutions, public libraries already support adult literacy, GED preparation, and workforce development. But what if your library could actually produce high school graduates? It can. With Career Online High School from Gale. It’s already happening at more than 100 public library systems across the country – adults … Read more

Gale’s Holiday Book Sale Raises Funds for Reading Is Fundamental

| By Jennifer Stock | This year, I became the new project editor for the Something About the Author series. Featuring emerging and established authors/illustrators in the fields of children’s and young adult literature, this series includes images of the entrants, as well as numerous book covers and interior illustrations. Each of the books that have images … Read more

Gale Small Business Builder’s Nonprofit Path is Enhanced

Gale listens to your feedback. As we head into the new year, Gale Small Business Builder‘s nonprofit users will see new tools and features aligned more closely with their needs. Enhancements to ideation, break-even, and planning activities have been updated with the social entrepreneur in mind. Ideation Aspiring founders need frameworks that help them vet their … Read more

Gale’s Hackathon: Passionate People Working on New Ideas

| By Aimme Keener | Gale’s credo starts with the statement “We believe in the power and joy of learning,” and the technology team truly embraces this.  Once a month, our team stops all of its day-to-day work on the floor and participates in a hackathon. Hackathons aren’t new.  They have become mainstream in the … Read more

Big Leap for School Libraries

| Originally posted on District Administration by Abby Spegman | Students want to spend time in the active, group-learning learning spaces schools are building Steven Yates has a message for would-be school librarians. “If you’re coming to this because you like to read and you want to manage a collection of books, then you showed up about … Read more

Los Angeles Public Library Hits 100th Graduate Milestone

| Originally posted on the LAPL Blog by Kelly Tyler, senior librarian| On September 1, 2017 the Los Angeles Public Library hit a big milestone with the Career Online High School diploma and career certificate program when Tania Velasquez completed her coursework to become the 100th graduate! Managing Librarian, Kelly Tyler, recently sat down with Tania to discuss her … Read more

Gale’s New Black History Month eBook Collections on GVRL

In February, educators across the United States honor the central role African Americans have played in history. It is a time for reflection, humility, and honor. Many teachers use this time to educate and inspire students about the impact African Americans have made by showing famous films or documentaries, reading historical and inspiring pieces of … Read more