| By Traci Cothran |
Throughout 2017, Canada is commemorating the 100th anniversary of the WWI Battle at Vimy Ridge (France). It was a seminal event in Canadian history—a fierce battle against the German forces, which resulted in heavy casualties, including the loss of 3,598 Canadian soldiers and some 20,000 Germans, with tens of thousands more wounded. Remarkable as it was, this victory against the Germans wasn’t solely a battlefield feat; because the Canadians prevailed where French had failed many times (at an enormous loss of life) and paved the way to Allied victory, the event helped unify Canada, and solidify its independence in the international community. Commemorative events are planned throughout Canada, as well as in France.
If you weren’t aware of this piece of history, you may want to dive into Canada In Context to learn more! You’ll also discover information on:
- Alberta Oil Sands
- Inuit (Aboriginal peoples)
- Canadian Pacific Railway
- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
- Residential Schools
- Terry Fox
- Japanese Canadian Interment
- The Great Depression in Canada
- Immigration in Canada
Did you know we use Canadian writers to capture the appropriate viewpoint on Canadian issues in this database? TRUE! Take a look at our entries on World War I, World War II, and the Cold War (among many others) for insight.
As I recently visited Toronto, I searched “Toronto” to find out the latest there. Canada In Context has updates about a recent fight to add tolls to two major roadways, reports from the 2017 Canadian Auto Show, questions about why the “Hamilton” musical hasn’t come to Toronto’s stage, and articles on the rapid growth of office space in the city (I saw all the construction—and controversy—first hand during my trip).
If you haven’t taken a peek at Canada In Context in a while, do take a look for information on this great country, including its history as well as current events.

About the Author
Traci Cothran is a manager in Gale’s Database Program and a history buff, so she can often be found watching videos from the early 1900s in Gale’s World History In Context.
Featured image: “Vimy Ridge Memorial.” Gale Canada in Context, Gale, 2010. Canada in Context, link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/WWWQWZ612273719/CIC?u=gale&xid=6c4b9c56. Accessed 18 Apr. 2017.تخفيضات