According to, the 2016 Presidential campaign is unlike any other in recent history. They surveyed 2,000 teachers and learned that it’s emboldening students to mimic the tone of the campaign, disrupting opportunities to teach about political campaigns and civic engagement, and more.

No matter what the outcome of the election is, digital resources can continue to help you support healthy debates by delivering a wide range of perspectives on relevant topics, such as society and culture, law and politics, and war and diplomacy.
Opposing Viewpoints In Context
Opposing Viewpoints In Context is the premier online resource covering today’s hottest social issues, from capital punishment to immigration, to national debate topics. Students will be presented with each side of an issue and develop information literacy, critical thinking and the ability and confidence to draw their own conclusions. Opposing Viewpoints offers information on controversial topics, proposing every side to pressing social issue and providing students with resources to match their own stance to that of the candidates.

Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL)
GVRL offers a means to integrate quality digital nonfiction content into K-12 curriculum while providing a fruitful online research experience. With expert authoritative content from top publishers, students and teachers will gain access to validated resources to enrich their learning—delivered through a student—and educator-friendly platform.
For example, American Governance, a 5-volume eBook on GVRL, offers a variety of political information from culture to ideology to party systems; providing answers on all questions related to the variety of ways by which the American people govern themselves—from their constitutions and governments to the political norms and ideals that guide their actions as citizens and leaders. Knowing the difference between information that’s research-based—or not—is important, get students comfortable with authoritative, research-based content with American Governance.
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Contact us to learn how Gale can enhance your curriculum and help you support healthy