Easily Share Content with Improved Deep Linking in Your LMS

2 min read

| By Gale Staff |

Your Learning Management System (LMS) is an essential hub for sharing materials with students inside and outside of the classroom. With seamless LMS integrations, Gale makes it easy to share content from your Gale resources directly within your LMS to support research and learning.

This experience is powered by deep linking, an IMS Global certification that allows applications to match the appearance of your LMS to support the creation of modules, classroom assignments, discussions, quizzes, and more.

To facilitate sharing and embedding content in your LMS, Gale now supports deep linking of content using LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) 1.3 for Blackboard, Canvas, D2L Brightspace, and Moodle. The new 1.3 integration will also be available soon for Schoology. 

LMS administrators need to get a key, secret, and developer keys from Gale Technical Support to establish the LMS integration.

Once your Gale resource is integrated with your LMS, you can launch Gale content directly from within a course. To deep link content within an assignment, look for the blue “Link to Document” or “Embed Document” button.

The LMS integration also reduces the steps needed for user authentication, allowing educators and students with access to your LMS to have full access to your Gale products.

LTI 1.3 uses JWTs (JSON Web Tokens) and other cryptographic methods for added security compared to LTI 1.0, meeting the security requirements of educators, schools, and academic institutions. Get more info about LTI standards from 1EdTech. 

Great news! If your Gale resources are already integrated with your LMS, there is no need to make any changes. Our Gale integrations fully support deep linking with both LTI 1.0 and 1.3, ensuring seamless compatibility with your LMS setup.

If you need help establishing your LMS integration or deep linking Gale content in your LMS, please find instructions for your LMS on the Gale support site or contact Gale Technical Support.

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