Gale’s Twenty-Eight Days of Hidden Figures

3 min read

| By Tanisha Howard-Hall |

Every year about this time, we learn about influential African Americans that have made their mark on history. Since elementary school, I have learned about prominent figures such as Martin Luther King Jr., Harriet Tubman, George Washington Carver, and Marcus Garvey numerous of times. Although they’ve have made huge impacts in American history, I know there are far more African Americans who deserve their time in the spotlight. In order to recognize these hidden individuals, Gale will honor a different African American on social media with an unfamiliar fact about their contribution to American history.

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Promoting Black History Month at Your Library
Libraries are continuously looking to increase the reach of their resources, especially during Black History Month. That’s why I am proud to announce my personal tribute to the more undiscovered, influential African Americans: Gale’s Twenty-Eight Days of Hidden Figures in Biography In Context.

Each day in the month of February, libraries can highlight a different Hidden Figure, with helpful promotional tools such as videos and web banners. Libraries can showcase these Hidden figures and where to learn more about them, by featuring videos in the library on their television screens, on social media, or on the library website. Libraries can also reference a quick facts document, to uncover more details about each Hidden Figure’s life and accomplishment is Gale’s Biography In Context.

To learn more, contact your Customer Success Manager to discuss how your library can promote Twenty-Eight Days of Hidden Figures.

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Meet the Author

Tanisha Hall is the Program Manager of Gale’s Engagement Services team, although this is a new role for her, she is not new to the company. Starting off as the web marketing intern for Cengage four years ago, while she was pursuing her Master degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing. Tanisha also has her Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts with a concentration in Graphic Design.  She loves creativity and brings her hands-on approach when with working with the many teams across the company. Tanisha thrives on being surrounded by a highly-motivated team and is passionate about continued self-growth, design, marketing, and making sure that our libraries have a consistent experience post-sale.

In addition to all things post-sales marketing, she is unapologetically a Detroit native, born and raised. What she loves most about Detroit is how the city produces some of the most hardworking, resilient, honest and raw people. The many challenges that the city has faced has made individuals who are from the city tougher, than most. Detroit people are like none other. They take pride in their roots while adapting to the many changes, all while staying faithful to the city.

Being able to witness the rebirth of Detroit is so magical. People are using open spaces for urban farming and greenways right in the middle of the city. It shows how they can use what they have and make something that’s not only new, but also useful and beautiful. This vibrant city has a lot to give.

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1 thought on “Gale’s Twenty-Eight Days of Hidden Figures”

  1. Is there a way to get an entire list of all 28 figures that will be used? I would love to promote the resources in my library media center for all 28 starting on February 1st!


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