As technology rapidly transforms, it becomes increasingly challenging to design and implement a library website that motivates students to visit library resources on their own time. That is why Gale has teamed up with Librarians across the country, providing web analysis services and creating new webpages free of charge through our Customer Care team.

Our web analysis services help individual School Librarians and District Librarians supply their communities with simple, useful web portals to their online resources. School districts like Hanover County Public Schools, Spring Branch ISD, and Virginia Beach City Public Schools are servicing their school communities through the implementation of Gale’s District Portal Pages. These pages offer familiar navigation and an appealing visual style, making it easy for their communities to utilize library resources.
The Ohio Education Library Media Association’s (OELMA) President-Elect and District Librarian for Nordonia Schools, Angela Wojtecki, utilizes Gale’s Customer Care web analysis services through Galesites. As I have partnered with Angela to produce library research webpages for each school library in her district, we have seen boosted exposure and improved usage of her library resources. When asked why she uses Galesites, Angela said:
“As a K-12 media specialist in my district I really needed to find a virtual website building tool that is consistent among our six schools and is also easy to update. The Galesites resource meets all my needs.
I emphasize to my students and staff that the Galesite linked on our main website for the district is a one-stop shop for all things research and library. The data shows that more students and staff are utilizing our online resources and I can only imagine it will continue to increase! I also love that I can customize my layout and add links, databases, and eBook links all on one site instead of having multiple pages on a website. This adds so much value to our school’s K-12 library program.”
Galesites are free web portal pages that are simple to use and provide Librarians with administrative access to make customized changes to all of their digital library resources, including those of our competitors. The best part? Your Customer Care Consultant can help you through the process from start to finish.
Whether you choose to use our webpages or someone else’s, we’re happy to advise you on best practices for web design. We’ll work with you to ensure you have just the right webpage for your particular community. Are you interested in gaining valuable input with your Library website? Contact your Customer Care Consultant today.
About the Author
Elizabeth Kopy
Customer Care Consultant
Elizabeth chases inspiration. She is upbeat, enjoys photography and capturing life. She holds a B.S. in Psychology from Madonna University and is deeply driven to innovate digital education experiences.