| By Tracie Moy |
It may seem as though we have come a long way in understanding, accepting, and supporting the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) community. In fact, rarely a day goes by without a newsworthy headline. Yet, social discrimination continues to exist.
Big and small cities across the globe have embraced gay pride parades. We have witnessed marriage equality in many U.S. states and in other countries around the world. Legal strides have been made to prevent discrimination, based on sexual orientation in the workplace and in schools. Conversely, there are still those out there working to deny LGBTQ individuals basic human rights, freedom and yes, even safety!
How do we as a society choose to protect our families, neighbors, and student population? Do we foster a culture of understanding and encourage dialogue? Or do we continue to turn a blind eye to discrimination and bullying?
Many of these issues are addressed in Gale’s LGBTQ/diversity eBook collection. These titles cover topics such as the history of LGBTQ, bullying, social change, gender-based violence, and so much more.
Charles Scribner’s Sons new Global Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBTQ) History provides an international view of the history of LGBTQ, covering significant figures and events worldwide.
There are also many resources available on coping with bullying, such as these titles:
- The LGBTQ+ Guide to Beating Bullying: Standing Up to Bullying at School, 1st Edition
- The LGBTQ+ Guide to Beating Bullying: Your Rights as an LGBTQ+ Teen, 1st Edition
- The LGBTQ+ Guide to Beating Bullying: Beating Bullying at Home and in Your Community, 1st Edition.
Gale offers information on the evolution of gender roles in society with a two-volume set, Gender Roles in American Life: A Documentary History of Political, Social, and Economic Changes, 1st Edition. This set focuses on family dynamics, business practices, and our concepts of womanhood and manhood as well as affected debates about equality, political and military service, and child-rearing roles and practices.

Human rights are basic rights and with quality resources and self-guided education, we can hopefully come to understand one another and appreciate our differences as individuals.
Explore these titles and more on Gale’s GVRL platform >>
Meet the Author
Tracie Moy has been with Gale prior to wrinkles! She’s a mom doing her best, a fierce lover of shoes, and can be found at the boxing gym almost daily. She’s infatuated with burgers and dark chocolate and believes that a “diet,” in any form, starts tomorrow.