In Other News: Memorial Day

3 min read

A look at a current news item through the lens of different titles available on GVRL.

By Michelle Eickmeyer

Memorial Day. The unofficial start of summer in the U.S. A holiday marked by barbecues, boats, yard work, and more so lately, retail sales on appliances. Random.

But Memorial Day is a time dedicated to remembering those who gave their life in service to the country. We celebrate their dedication to our freedoms by, well, celebrating our freedoms. Particularly the pursuit of happiness (and food and water sports). Originally begun as “Decoration Day,” this holiday takes time to remember and (safely) celebrate those who served. For them, we are grateful.

Here are five titles that look at Memorial Day from different perspectives:

Documenting America: The Primary Source Documents of a Nation: The American Civil War & Reconstruction, 1st Edition. Encyclopedia Britannica, 2014.

Decoration Day was first proposed in 1862, following the Civil War to commemorate the soldiers who fought for their country — whichever side they were on. This title takes a look at that harrowing time in our nation’s history, providing insight into both sides of the war itself and recovery.

Holidays, Festivals & Celebrations Of World Dictionary, 4th Edition. Omnigraphics, Inc., 2010

Looking for a reason to celebrate? This title explores more than 3,000 world holidays, festivals & celebrations. Complete with local contact information, everything you need to celebrate almost anything is included.

Encyclopedia of the Veteran in America, 1st Edition. ABC-Clio, 2009.

Looking at veterans from the American Revolution to recent involvement in the Middle East, this title explores the lives of service men and women in both peace and war times. A section dedicated to Memorial Day looks at this service holiday from their perspective.

The Military and Teens, 1st Edition. Scarecrow Press, 2008.

Joining the military is a big step, and one that thousands of teens make each year. A decision not to be made lightly, this resource, geared for both students and those who mentor/council them, provides insights and thoughtful explanation of the process and topics for consideration.

Women in the American Civil War, 1st Edition. ABC-Clio, 2007

Though it would be hundreds of years until they saw the field, women fought different battles during times of conflict. The right to vote, the right to work.



photoAbout the Author

Michelle is an “anytime!” traveler and language enthusiast. She has degrees in talking from Central Michigan and Michigan State University. She is currently becoming a runner and used to play golf in high school.


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