More than 70 tribes represented in over 1.2 million pages!
Enabling exploration of the political, social, and cultural history of Native Peoples from the seventeenth century well into the twentieth century, Indigenous Peoples: North America illustrates the fabric of North American history with unprecedented depth and breadth. The value that Gale brings with the inclusion of so many diverse manuscript and book collections is absolutely unparalleled.
The collection also features Indigenous language materials, including dictionaries, Bibles, and primers. Indigenous Peoples: North America fortifies more general secondary historical resources by providing an opportunity for students to “dig into the past,” and discover the background of the ideas and cultures that have defined indigenous societies, tribal organization, and Indian-White relations.
With content sourced from both American and Canadian Institutions, Indigenous Peoples: North America is an excellent resource for researchers and students alike. Now available for your Gale Artemis: Primary Sources collection.