Gale is continually updating and adding new content to our In Context products, ensuring that they offer timely, authoritative, useful information. The items below were added or updated during the week of December 1, 2014.

- Five new portals were added, bringing the total number of portals to 4,540. These include:
- Chief Joseph, a leader of the Nez Perce people during the late 1800s
- John Smith, the English captain and explorer associated with Pocahontas and the Jamestown settlement of the Virginia Colony
- E. Lawrence, the noted British soldier, explorer, and author also known as Lawrence of Arabia
- David Henry Hwang, a prolific Chinese-American playwright, screenwriter, and educator
- And a group portal for James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner, three civil rights activists who were slain in June 1964 — the men were recently honored by Barack Obama with a posthumous Presidential Medal of Freedom
- Two new portalswere added:
North Korean workers operate equipment at North Korea’s main nuclear reactor in Yongbyon. - Nuclear Non-Proliferation
- Scottish Independence Referendum
- 109 portals have been updated, including:
- Abortion
- Arctic Ownership
- Art Theft and Restitution
- Boundaries, Borders and Maps
- Business Ethics
- China: Climate Change and Energy Policies
- Criminal Justice
- Ebola
- Industrial Accidents and Pollution
- Islamic State
- Literacy
- Mexico’s Drug Wars
- North Korea: Nuclear and Missile Programs
- Space Exploration
- Spain
- Sports and Diplomacy

© Genaro Molina/Los Angeles Times/MCT
- Three new portals have been added:
- 3D Printing
- Bees
- Deciduous Forests
- 19 portals are being updated, all will be live by Friday, December 5:
- Biotechnology
- Cells
- Chromosomes
- Ebola and Other Hemorrhagic Fevers
- Genetics
- Nuclear Energy
- Obesity
- Pluto
- Prescription Drug Abuse
- Recycling
- Saturn
- Smoking
- Solar System
- Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research
- Vaccines
- Viruses
- Wind Energy

- Two new portal pageswill be added by Friday, December 5:
- Rachel Carson
- Charles Lindbergh
- Two new portal pageswill be added by Friday, December 5:
- Edmund Hillary
- John Maynard Keynes