Gale eBooks on GVRL are “Highly Recommended”

Gale eBooks on GVRL not only provides the top titles covering the most studied subject areas and from the best nonfiction publishers, it complements other eBook platforms. Optimized for search, discovery, and integrated with tools, such as G Suite for Education and Microsoft Office 365, Gale eBooks on GVRL allows students to spend less time looking for credible information, … Read more

Success Story: Gale eBooks on GVRL

Lasell College, a coeducational school with over 50 academic programs, struggled to ensure honors students had access to research materials that meet academic standards.  Recently, they acquired GVRL, Gale’s eBook platform, offering more than 13,000 academic titles. Here’s the astounding results:   To learn more about offering Gale eBooks on GVRL to your students, visit Jordan … Read more

There’s a New Professional Development Partner in the House

That’s Stenhouse Publishers, of course.

Stenhouse recognizes and embraces the complexity of teaching and learning. And is devoted to helping teachers inspire deep and creative thinking in their students.

Stenhouse is guided by three core beliefs;

  • All students can learn to think independently and critically.
  • Effective teaching is achievable at any level of experience and in any classroom environment.
  • Teachers make the best instructional decisions for the students in their care when they are equipped with knowledge, supported by colleagues, and respected as professionals.

These beliefs align so closely to Gale and our mission to empower educators. Explore 16 must-have titles, in one comprehensive collection, available on Gale eBooks on GVRL.

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A New Series on Literature and Film Adaptation

| By Elizabeth Ferguson |

In today’s rush to produce more and more content for the silver screen, there is no shortage of cinematic adaptations of literary works. This concept and process is not new, however—directors and screenwriters have long been retelling beloved classics in feature-film format. Take, for example, Francis Ford Coppola’s adaptation of Dracula. Or François Truffaut’s take on Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 and James Whale’s version of Frankenstein. Even current works, such as the Harry Potter and Hunger Games series, have found immense success in the film world. Books to Film: Cinematic Adaptations of Literary Works, a new annual series offered on Gale’s GVRL eBook platform, explores the vast world of film adaptation. Entries discuss basic plot summaries of featured books and films; examine critical reaction to each adaptation at the time of their respective releases; provide biographical information on authors, directors, and screenwriters; and explore the process by which the book is transformed into a film. Adaptations covered range “from the silent period (1895–1927) through to contemporary cinema, from studios major and minor as well as independents, from Hollywood and around the globe” as Editor in Chief Barry Keith Grant writes in his introduction to Volume 1. Literary works covered include fiction and nonfiction, canonical works and bestsellers, classic and contemporary works, and long and short writing.

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Westerns: From Hollywood to Print

Westerns, the most popular Hollywood genre from the early 20th century to the 1960s, are characterized by the life of a nomadic cowboy armed with a revolver and rifle riding a horse, representing the wild, wild West. They are known to embody the spirit, the struggle, and the demise of the new frontier, but the genre doesn’t … Read more

Speak Up with Gale

One out of every five teens1 suffers from mental illness. Cameron Gallagher was one such teen. A bright and talented young girl battling depression and anxiety, Cameron’s dream was to raise awareness about the topic. At the tender age of 16, she suddenly passed away from an undiagnosed heart condition. Her legacy and efforts live … Read more

Not Sure Which PD Collections to Choose?

We’ve done the work for you. To make selecting PD collections on GVRL even easier, below is a sample chart identifying key subject areas from four of Gale’s top PD publishing partners. Each curated collection brings together authoritative content to assist educators in meeting their strategic goals. Air Force 1 Sage Low

Health Literacy Month at Your Library

Did you know that more than 90 million U.S. adults have low health literacy? For Health Literacy Month this October, the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NNLM) and Libraries Transform have partnered to create a free toolkit for raising awareness of how libraries support health literacy in their communities. The toolkit includes customizable tools to … Read more

A Guide to Our eBook Publishers

Our catalog features some of our latest eBook titles in the most studied academic disciplines. Along with what you see here, Gale offers more than 13,000 (and counting!) academic eBooks from industry leading publishers. Our GVRL eBook platform offers unlimited, simultaneous access on virtually any device and is integrated with collaboration tools, such as G Suite … Read more