The Gale Digital Scholar Lab Adds a New Sign-In Method

We’ve made updates to the way users can create a sign-in to the Gale Digital Scholar Lab, furthering its commitment to a secure and seamless user experience for faculty and student access. | By Margaret Waligora, Product Manager | Since its launch in 2018, users have been able to sign in to the Gale Digital Scholar Lab using … Read more

Gale Introduces the Beta Upload Feature to the Gale Digital Scholar Lab

| By Margaret Waligora, Product Manager; Lindsey Gervais, Digital Learning Manager; Wendy Kurtz, Digital Humanities Specialist; Marc Cormier, Director, Digital Scholarship | Since fall 2018, a growing number of institutions around the world have subscribed to the Gale Digital Scholar Lab, giving libraries, students, and faculty access to their Gale Primary Sources collections in an analysis … Read more

Spotting a Tree Octopus

The Critical Role of Pedagogy in Educational Technology & Product Development for Tomorrow’s Scholars | By Lindsey Gervais, Digital Pedagogy Specialist, Gale | Have you ever heard of the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus? Created back in the same day we were waiting for the yellow AOL figure to dial up the internet while someone got … Read more

Reaching New and Unique Conclusions through Digital Humanities Research

| By Ruth Trego, Ph.D. candidate, University of Miami | For my dissertation project, I’m trying to answer the question “During the 19th century, how did the United States reconcile its Western conception of what tropical spaces and tropical people are like with its adoption of tropical spaces within its own boundaries?” Conventional Western wisdom … Read more