Cengage PRIDE Group Provides Detroit’s Ruth Ellis Center with Education Resources, Food, and Fun for Local LGBTQ+ Community

| By Matthew Saldeen | Maslow’s hierarchy of needs describes five needs that people strive to attain: Physiological Safety Belongingness Esteem Self-actualization The Ruth Ellis Center in Detroit is an amazing resource for the Detroit LGBTQ+ community struggling to achieve these needs. Their mission is to “create opportunities with LGBTQ+ young people to build their … Read more

Gale’s VP of Marketing & Communications Shares Why Libraries are Awesome

Gale’s Vice President of Marketing & Communications, Harmony Faust, has always been a leading advocate for libraries, opening the door anytime opportunity knocks. She channels her passion into daily efforts, serving as a member of the steering committee for the Corporate Committee for Library Investment and on the Board of Directors for EveryLibrary, the only … Read more