Library Journal Reviews Pacifism Resources

Recently, Rob Tench, Librarian at Old Dominion University Libraries, commemorated the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I by reviewing resources on pacifism—the opposition of war, militarism, or conflict. He states, “although the volume of research on war far outpaces that on pacifism, these offerings more than make up in quality what may be … Read more

Gale’s American Civil Liberties Union Papers Tops Library Journals Best Database List

Yesterday, Library Journal released their annual Best Database list. We are proud to announce that Gale’s American Civil Liberties Union Papers tops the list for 2017. Read the review below and help us in congratulating all who helped build this one-of-a-kind database. American Civil Liberties Union Papers In 2017, Gale released two portions of this new database: … Read more

So a Non-Librarian Walks into a Library Full of Librarians…

By Kelly Torpey 

As I walked into the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library to attend Library Journal’s Transformative Power of Community Engagement workshop, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I knew where I was, and what I was attending, but I wasn’t entirely sure what I (a non-librarian) would glean from the experience.

I joined Gale as a marketing team member just over six months ago. I’m new to the world of libraries, and in truth, I was hoping to listen. To listen to what libraries and librarians go through on a daily basis; their conversations, struggles, and triumphs. I was also hoping to add some type of value to the conversations I was a part of, even though I knew (or, at least I thought) my own professional and personal experiences may not be 100% relatable.

Read moreSo a Non-Librarian Walks into a Library Full of Librarians…