How Somers Library Uses Social Media

Social Media

By Valerie Herman

Social media offers an opportunity that intersects beautifully with the librarian’s role; after all, curating information and disseminating it to the public is what we have always done, but now we can do it faster, better, and more extensively.

Read moreHow Somers Library Uses Social Media

…April Fools!

By Carrie Stefanski

Gotcha, noddies! That’s what they call those who are tricked on April 1, in England. Although the Thorndike bathroom ad was an actual (ingenious) idea, Gale will not be using it at the next trade show. Some good ideas are best left as ideas, or, when timed right, April Fool’s jokes.

Read more…April Fools!

The Education Advantage in a Matter of Words

By Bethany Dotson

At the end of January, I had the unique pleasure to travel to snowy and frigid Chicago to interview Valerie Gross, President and CEO of Howard County Public Library (MD). We were there to discuss Valerie’s ideas, laid out most prominently in her book, Transforming Our Image, Building Our Brand: The Education Advantage.

Read moreThe Education Advantage in a Matter of Words

Oh, the places you will go, the things you will see at a PLA Conference!

Gale PLA Conference

By Carrie Stefanski

My first week on the job back in December, I was told to save the date for the 2014 PLA Conference and plan to stay to see David Sedaris. At that moment, I knew I made the right career move. My conference experience was everything I hoped it’d be and the conference itself was a whole lot bigger than I imagined. I had a couple conferences under my belt, but neither matched up to the greatness of PLA.

Read moreOh, the places you will go, the things you will see at a PLA Conference!

Transform your Community One Graduate at a Time

Career Online High School

By Kim Martin

Did you miss the buzz at last week’s PLA conference surrounding this groundbreaking new program? Career Online High School allows libraries to offer adults in their community the opportunity to earn an accredited high school diploma and career certificate. Hear what all the fuss is about at our live webcast, Wednesday, March 26, 3 pm EST!

Read moreTransform your Community One Graduate at a Time