Libraries = Sharing

By Dave E.  My parents both worked in libraries. I will never forget the way my dad summed up what libraries were all about in one simple word. Sharing. That’s what he would say when people asked what libraries were about… I am now a librarian myself and try to keep that simple answer in … Read more

First to Graduate

By Debra K. 

I first discovered the world was much larger and more exciting and exotic than I had ever imagined thanks to my local public and school libraries. Though I loved school as a child, it was mostly due to the social aspects rather than the learning, that is until I read my first young adult novel in early middle school, which sparked a serious (some would say obsessive) love of reading. By the end of middle school I was reading a book a day — sometimes hidden behind my textbook in the back of class. I took my current book with me everywhere — often bumping into furniture and walls at home as I walked and read. This earned me the nickname of Mrs. Magoo after a beloved myopic cartoon character popular at the time.

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