New Content Recently Added to National Geographic Virtual Library

| By Gale Staff | The content below has been recently added and can be located in the product using Basic or Advanced Search forms. To view a list of all the content included in the National Geographic collections and for complete coverage information, please visit our Database Titles List. Stay tuned for updates on new … Read more

We Salute the Guardians of the Truth

| By Traci Cothran | Time magazine announced their Person of the Year this past week, honoring the “Guardians of the Truth” – the slain journalists from the Capital Gazette: Rob Hiaasen, John McNamara, Wendi Winters, Rebecca Smith and Gerald Fischman; Washington Post murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi; Repplar founder Maria Ressler; and Reuters journalists Wa … Read more

A Christmas Carol: Keynesian, Freudian, and Spiritualist Perspectives on a Holiday Classic

| By Gale Staff |

Most think of Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol (1843) as the heartwarming story of how a coldhearted miser turns from his ruthless and greedy ways to a life of charity and joy, embracing love and egalitarianism as a reflection of the Christmas spirit. Some scholars, however, would argue that such a reading gets it wrong. The novella, which receives thorough treatment in the digital collections of Gale Literary Sources, has been the subject of unexpected interpretations by critics who seek to illuminate its author, contextualize its composition, and explicate its allegorical content.

Read moreA Christmas Carol: Keynesian, Freudian, and Spiritualist Perspectives on a Holiday Classic

Become a National Entrepreneurship Week 2019 Library!

We are proud to be working with EveryLibrary to help promote National Entrepreneurship Week 2019, a congressionally-chartered initiative dedicated to showcasing and supporting entrepreneurship throughout the United States. We know libraries are supporting entrepreneurship as a core mission and are increasingly serving as vital members of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. This year, we’re inviting your library to become … Read more

Free Access to Gale Digital Resources Now Available to All Ohio Residents

| By Sydney Fairman | The purpose of Libraries Connect Ohio (LCO) is to ensure that all Ohioans have access to a core collection of information resources and library services that will help them compete in the global knowledge economy. Alongside its related partners, – OhioLink, OPLIN and INFOhio – LCO has partnered with Gale to … Read more

Yolo County Library: Using Data Analytics to Improve Program Outcomes

| By Tara Blair | Libraries are always looking for new and innovative ways to better serve their communities, which can be a daunting task without the right tool. Read how Yolo County Librarian and Chief Archivist, Mark Fink is using data analytics to tailor programs and services to meet community needs. Learn how Fink … Read more

What to Learn and When

| By Charlie Close | In any field worth studying there is more to know than you will ever be able to learn. That’s certainly true in my field of data science and analytics, which is exploding in every direction with new ideas and discoveries. It’s also true of leadership, or playing the violin, or … Read more

Gale Access Program Success Report: What a Difference a Year Makes

| By Gale Staff | Read this Gale report on how one program is increasing database usage and lowering collection costs for libraries. Support student success. For academic librarians, that goal is what motivates purchasing and collection development decisions. But it’s not always an easy task. With 80–90% of academic libraries facing flat or declining … Read more

Supporting Teen Health in Your Community

| By Tara Atterberry | Gale has recently compiled collections of eBooks targeted at aiding public libraries in providing content that helps patrons form opinions and answer questions regarding topics that are important within their communities. One of these is our handpicked teen health eBook collection, which provides timely and authoritative content on a myriad of … Read more

New Titles Added to the InfoTrac Collections in November 2018

| By Gale Staff | Academic OneFile Administrative Sciences (MDPI AG) Peer-reviewed Agriculture (MDPI AG) Peer-reviewed Agronomy (MDPI AG) Peer-reviewed Bioikos (Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Campinas) Peer-reviewed Drammaturgia (Firenze University Press) Peer-reviewed Formare (Firenze University Press) Peer-reviewed Gynecology Obstetrics & Reproductive Medicine (Medical Network) Peer-reviewed International Forum for Education (Barbara Budrich Publishers) Peer-reviewed Journal of … Read more