Exploring the Gale Digital Scholar Lab as a Student of International Relations

| By Alyssa Anderson, Gale Ambassador at Florida International University | International Relations involves critical analysis for most of its topics, from global conflict to climate change. With the Gale Digital Scholar Lab, this research gets easier to navigate (and much less time-consuming)! The Gale Digital Scholar Lab is a cutting-edge, data-mining tool that accesses … Read more

6 Reasons Your Classroom Needs Gale In Context: For Educators

| By Gale Staff | Teaching is your passion, but it’s a relentless day-in and day-out calling. To your kids, you’re a superhero—but even superheroes can use someone in their corner. Someone to help cover your bases with the latest tools and technology that meet your students’ needs while keeping pace with ever-changing standards and … Read more

Encouraging Student Success with Financial Literacy Topics

| By Gale Staff | Middle school is a time when students are beginning to think more about their futures, and they can benefit from learning about real-world skills and concepts that they can use now and in the future. One topic students may benefit from learning about is personal finance. Financial literacy, or understanding … Read more

How Text Sets Can Supplement and Enrich Traditional ELA Instructional Materials

| By Char Shryock | There’s a large base of reading research that supports the importance of providing students with regular opportunities to work with grade-appropriate text sets. This is different from the traditional canon-based approach that focuses on novel studies or spends large chunks of instructional time on a single story. Most anthologies are … Read more

Gale Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, 3rd Edition

| By Brenda Wilmoth Lerner, RN | Several years ago, for the previous edition of The Gale Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, I wrote the foreword from the privileged vantage point of a balcony overlooking a lush, tropical rainforest in South America. Although cognizant of health threats nearby in the otherwise magnificent jungle, including pristine-appearing streams … Read more

Iconic Apple Commercial Debuts, December 31, 1983

| By J. Robert Parks | Television commercials that have resonated with the U.S. public have historically relied on jingles, catchphrases, or quirky humor. Yet one of the most famous ads in television history had none of those. Instead, it featured a dystopic vision based on George Orwell’s book 1984 and didn’t even show the … Read more

Explorando narrativas: 17 nuevos títulos que transformarán la experiencia lectora de estudiantes bilingües emergentes

| Por Sabine McAlpine, directora, Thorndike Press | Los datos más recientes del Censo de Estados Unidos revelan que casi 68 millones de personas hablan un idioma distinto al inglés en sus hogares. El español lidera como el idioma más común, hablado doce veces más frecuentemente que los cuatro idiomas más utilizados después del inglés.1 A … Read more