Gale Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, 3rd Edition

| By Brenda Wilmoth Lerner, RN | Several years ago, for the previous edition of The Gale Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, I wrote the foreword from the privileged vantage point of a balcony overlooking a lush, tropical rainforest in South America. Although cognizant of health threats nearby in the otherwise magnificent jungle, including pristine-appearing streams … Read more


| By Brenda W. Lerner, RN, ALB | An epidemic of Monkeypox is currently gathering steam throughout the world, leading some people to wonder if this is a situation of “here we go again,” but scientists say the likelihood of another pandemic with monkeypox as the cause is very low. Monkeypox is endemic (occurring naturally … Read more

New Edition: Gale Encyclopedia of Genetic Disorders

| By Barbara Wexler, MPH, and Brigham Narins | Newly published, The Gale Encyclopedia of Genetic Disorders, 5th edition, covers a wide range of topics, from diseases and conditions to therapies and treatments to social and ethical issues—all focusing on genetics and the human genome. We’re at the dawn of a golden age of genetic … Read more