Global Issues In Context Product Update 3/31/2016

Updated May 24, 2016

Original Posting March 31, 2016

Global Issues In Context has been updated to reflect the standard user interface found in all the other Gale In Context products. Customers will be migrated to the new version of the product August 5, 2016.

During the continued soft launch – running through the month of July – here’s what you’ll find:

  • Spotlight stories will track current events.
  • New and updated portals will be called-out (flagged) so they are easy to find.
  • Google integration tools like Google sign-in, download to Google Drive, and Classroom Share capabilities.
  • A mobile optimized interface for ease of use on any device.
  • Additional features familiar to users such as, Highlights and Notes and additional language translation options.

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Help Yourself! Self-Help Books on GVRL

Posted on March 31, 2016

Originally posted in February 2016 by Library Journal

It can be hard to maintain a positive outlook and self image in a world that places so much emphasis on material wealth and physical beauty rather than how we feel and think. We underestimate the importance of learning to love ourselves as we are rather than the way society tells us we should be. The right self-help books can and do provide a wealth of information to help you on your journey to understanding and improving yourself on your own terms. Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL) provides a collection of insightful guides to help you meet your goals and reach your full potential.

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Give Your Job Search a Boost Using GVRL

Posted on March 24, 2016

Originally posted in November 2015 by Henrietta Verma of Library Journal

Job seekers are some of your library’s most frequent users. They all seek the same goal—satisfying employment, quickly—but they have varying skills, educational levels, and different needs. One may need a part time job while his children are at school, for example, while another may be seeking leads on a high-level corporate position. Still others will be looking for internships and volunteer work that will enhance their résumé while they seek paying work. Among the thousands of books available on GVRL are many for those seeking a new job or a career change. See below for links to just a few of the relevant titles.

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Pack Your Bags! Travel Books on GVRL

Posted on March 16, 2016

Originally posted in December 2015 by Henrietta Verma of Library Journal

Travel books are popular with those who are actually starting to pack their bags as well as armchair voyagers. Either way, the library’s travel collection has to be kept up to date, and that can be expensive and time consuming. GVRL offers a great alternative: an online selection of travel titles for locations nearby and far-flung, and you’ll never have to weed the shelf. Titles include books for various kinds of travelers, from backpackers to families with children.

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Business Stats You Can Compare Anywhere, Anytime

Posted on March 14, 2016

By Tina Creguer

Jay, a brash, young entrepreneur in the competitive field of mobile gaming app development, is putting the finishing touches on his business plan.  He already has appointments with potential investors, and he’s scurrying to pull together all the information they’ll grill him on.  Foremost on their minds will be viability of this new business and understanding the competitive landscape. He knows who his major competitors are, but needs help finding consistent data that will help him compare market share and descriptions.

There’s good news for Jay, and for anyone searching for comparative business stats.

Read moreBusiness Stats You Can Compare Anywhere, Anytime

Offer a Unique Perspective on the World

Posted on March 11, 2016

The National Geographic Society is synonymous with exploration, photography, maps, and rethinking the world as we know it. From the iconic National Geographic magazine to the popular National Geographic Traveler and hundreds of books, maps, videos, and images, there is simply no substitute for the depth and quality of National Geographic Virtual Library.

Read moreOffer a Unique Perspective on the World

Take Control! Finance Books on GVRL

Posted on March 10, 2016

Original article published in Library Journal on February 3, 2016

Many patrons are interested in gaining control over their personal finances. They want to learn about budgeting, taxes, and how to invest wisely. Some are actively seeking the best ways to dig out of dire financial straits but lack the funds to seek professional assistance. Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL) offers a wide range of reference material that can guide library users through processes such as estate planning, investing for the future, learning about tax incentives to start a small business, or rebuilding or improving a poor credit score. No matter their fiscal situation, patrons will find what they need in GVRL. Check out some of the below titles!

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Getting to Know the Business of Business

Posted on March 4, 2016

By Tina Creguer

  • Jamie is a new marketing manager for her company. She needs to find detailed information on companies in her field and get up to speed quickly about the competition.
  • Ali is graduating with his MBA with a concentration in finance in seven months. He doesn’t want to wait too long to identify potential employers. He’d like to begin to pinpoint companies in the industries that interest him most.
  • George, a veteran business analyst, has been asked to conduct a full review of a few key competitors’ revenue and forecasted growth for the president to use in an upcoming board meeting.
  • Jorge is a high school student doing a project on Fortune 500 companies in his state. He’d like to find out when the companies were founded, what they make, and where they operate.

In every case, there’s one resource that can connect patrons to the information they seek: Ward’s Business Directory.

Read moreGetting to Know the Business of Business

Encyclopedia of Prescription Drugs: a “Comprehensive” and “Very Useful” Resource

Posted on March 2, 2016

Looking for consumer friendly information on the most commonly used prescription drugs? For all your questions regarding prescription drugs, turn to The Gale Encyclopedia of Prescription Drugs. Organized alphabetically and by drug class, this “comprehensive” resource includes in-depth information about each drug, such as classification, purpose, recommended dosage, side effects, and interactions.

In February, Booklist reviewed the Encyclopedia. Read what they had to say!

Read moreEncyclopedia of Prescription Drugs: a “Comprehensive” and “Very Useful” Resource

Keep the Little Deuce Coupe Running Strong

April is National Car Care Month and America has a serious love affair with cars. According to The World Bank, there are 786 motor vehicles per 1,000 people in the US – the highest ratio in the world. The birthplace of mass automobile manufacturing remains its stronghold. And for a large number of car-owners, maintaining and servicing their own vehicle is part of the fun; for others, it’s a necessity.

For patrons looking for do-it-yourself auto repair and maintenance information, you can’t beat the venerable Chilton’s repair manuals. Car-lovers have depended on these sources for dependable, up-to-date information since Kaisers roared down the street. Today auto enthusiasts of all skill levels can access auto repair information in ChiltonLibrary, the continually updated online resource.

ChiltonLibrary provides access to repair, maintenance, and service information on cars, trucks, vans, and SUVs, with videos, photos, and animations, step-by-step procedures, and other in-demand features. Recent product enhancements include:

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