
2 min read

By Chris H. 

My name is Chris and I have worked at the Hagaman Memorial Library for the past 20 years. I have many library stories to share and could write pages and pages filled with memories. One story I’ll share is about the children’s librarian, Carolyn, who worked at the library for about 30 years. I first met her when I was about 6 or 7. Our school would come to the library for field trips and Miss Carolyn would be sitting at the desk greeting all those who came in. Our class would learn about the library and watch movies on a film projector. I remember the old card catalog and the way the library looked back in the 1980s. It was a nice place to visit. Then, when I turned 17, I got my job at the library as a page and there was Carolyn. She became my coworker! She had a strong personality, loved her job, and had a complex sense of wit, humor and seriousness combined into one unique personality. I learned much from her and to this day, still remember her sayings, her stories, the time she scared the heck out of me with her scary Halloween costume, and her own unique laugh that I can still hear in the hallways of my library.Mens Flynit Trainers

1 thought on “Carolyn”

  1. Chris,
    Great entry and story about Carolyn Siedzik. She was here before my time in working at the Library, which is very recent. So I learned something about her also.


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