Rediscovering Libraries

By Jim M.  While out of work, I decided to use my extra time to reconnect with my local library. It had been almost a decade since I set foot inside a library building. I have always been an avid reader and some of my fondest childhood memories are of times spent in the old-fashioned … Read more

Librarians Bridge Access and Availability Gaps with Technology

GVRL eBook Success Story

Part of any librarian’s job is to provide access to information people may not immediately know they need, exists, or is accessible. Amy Calhoun, Virtual Branch Coordinator at the Sacramento Public Library, understands this challenge as well as anyone. It’s why she and her colleague Laurie Willis, an Electronic Resources Librarian at the San Jose Public Library, both set out to find a solution designed to ensure people would have access to information when and where it was needed.

“It just made sense to expand our offerings,” Calhoun said. Expanding her library’s science related content and making sure the information was current quickly became a priority.

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Educators Embrace Technology to Verify Digital Resource Quality

GVRL eBook Success Story

Lauren Stokes, the Virtual Library Manager at the Las Vegas-Clark County Library District, often envisions customers in their bedtime pajamas. “I want them to be nice and comfortable,” Stokes joked. Stokes has good reason to picture users in this manner. It’s her job to ensure the 1.2 million people served by the 25 libraries in her county not only have access to but are using the district’s investment of digital resources.

To accomplish her goal, Stokes first had to convince educators and customers the library’s digital offerings were of the same quality as its print collection. “It just didn’t seem to click that it’s the same content whether you’re looking at it online or on a piece of paper,” Stokes said.

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Aurora Public Library Encourages Staff and Patrons to “Think Gale”

GVRL eBook Success Story

Public libraries play an important role in their communities, and they take their roles seriously. Case in point: Aurora Public Library (Aurora) in Illinois, which is dedicated to “supporting lifelong learning and access to information, knowledge, and ideas.” That’s no small task. Fortunately, GVRL eBooks are front and center in helping Aurora achieve its goals — offering patrons easy, quick access to informational resources covering the spectrum of subject areas, even when they’re not at the library.

Reference Specialist Sue Kovacs runs two reference desks at the Aurora’s main branch, where she’s responsible for buying all reference materials and keeping them updated and relevant. When Sue began working at the library in 2009, she saw that community dynamics were changing. “Most people didn’t want to have to come downtown to look at a reference collection. I evaluated our Gale products as well as the available alternatives.

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New Editions of Foundational Science Encyclopedias are Here!

Science ebooks

By Carrie Stefanski 

You’ve seen the headlines: Pluto ISN’T a planet; wait…Pluto IS a planet. From its discovery in 1930 until 2006, Pluto was considered the ninth planet in the solar system. In 2006, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) decided that Pluto was not in fact a planet, and changed its designation to “dwarf planet.” [1]

With constant change and discovery in the field of science, it’s important to keep your eBooks up-to-date for patrons seeking scientific resources. Today’s students and thinkers require resources that reflect the latest developments and findings.

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New Parenthetical Citation Tool Now Available in GVRL

At Gale we are always working to improve our products and make them more useful for our customers. Along those lines, we’re happy to announce the addition of a new Parenthetical Citation tool to GVRL. Designed to work in concert with our popular Highlights & Notes tool, it adds the ability to automatically produce a citation for highlighted text in a GVRL eBook.

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Leading the Western Literature Genre with Popular New Five Star Titles

Five Star Awards

Named “Best Old West Fiction Publisher” by True West magazine and earning a Lariat Award from the Western Writers of America, as well as honors for multiple titles from the Will Rogers Medallion organization, Five Star, an imprint of Gale, part of Cengage Learning, is leading the western literature genre. Recognizing excellence in Western literature and media, the Will Rogers Medallion Award Committee recently honored four titles from Five Star, including gold and silver awards, and True West magazine acknowledged a Five Star author and title in its latest “Best of the West” issue.

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