Posted on August 27, 2015
Take a look at the latest content that has been added to Kids InfoBits:
- The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia has increased its content with the addition of Quarterly updates.
- Under the category of Fish, six new entries have been made include Angelfish, Mollie, and the Mullet.
- New homepage snippets (InfoBits) have been added for September including:
- Museums feature in the Arts category
- Back to School in the People category
- Labor Day, which is September 7, in the Social Studies category
- Read-A-New-Book-Month which is in September will be featured in the Literature category
- Football is featured in the Sports category
- Over 450 entries have been updated, with many of them focusing on marine life, contemporary figures and countries. Some of these that you’ll see are:
Apatosaurus | Australia | Butterfly |
China | Dolphin | Electric Fish |
Electronic Game | Gordie Howe | Kenya |
Nile (river) | Barack Obama | Russia |
Salamander | Tsunami | Space Exploration |
Virus | Virtual Currency | Lindsey Vonn |
Whale |