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Take a look at reviews of two Gale eBooks on GVRL, originally published by American Reference Books Annual, November 2017:
Business Rankings Annual helps librarians answer reference questions related to rankings information. Working from a bibliographic file we have built up over the years, we have culled thousands of items from periodicals, newspapers, financial services, directories, statistical annuals, and other printed material. The “top 10” lists from each of these rankings are grouped under standard subject headings for easy browsing. Readers can quickly locate all rankings in which a given company, person, or product appears by consulting the comprehensive index.
“Business Rankings Annual should be a staple publication for libraries supporting undergraduates and advanced degree programs in business schools. It also is a starting point for further research in company and industry information. Its ranking of companies in specific fields also should prove helpful to job seekers. And it can give “quick reference” data for those who wish to find, for example, the 10 highest paid celebrities. A highly recommended resource for academic, public, and research libraries.”
—Lucy Heckman, Reference Librarian, St. John’s University Library
American Salaries and Wages Survey is a compilation of occupations and their corresponding salaries obtained from hundreds of federal and state government sources and various trade associations and journals. Incorporating wage data, it provides extensive compensation information for industry, economic planners and developers, human resources professionals, employment counselors, job seekers, and job changers.
American Salaries and Wages Survey is an excellent source for career centers and for job seekers. It is very useful to those considering relocation since it pinpoints salaries in states and cities in the United States. It is highly recommended to academic and public libraries and complements other statistical resources including the Occupational Outlook Handbook. The resource list is of great help to those needing to do further research.
—Lucy Heckman, Reference Librarian, St. John’s University Library
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