Gale In Context: For Educators Wins Tech & Learning’s Best of Show at ISTE

2 min read

| By Gale Staff |

Tech & Learning’s ISTE 2019 Best of Show Awards celebrates those products and services being exhibited at ISTE that show the greatest promise according to the country’s most tech-savvy educators. This year, Gale takes home the gold with its most anticipated product, Gale In Context: For Educators, coming this fall.

For the sixth year, Tech & Learning presents its awards program that honors nominated products at the annual ISTE conference. The products below were selected by an anonymous panel of educator judges, who scoured the exhibit hall floor during the conference in Philadelphia. The judges rated their impressions of individual products on a sliding scale, evaluating areas such as quality and effectiveness, ease of use, cost, and creative use of technology. They then met in person to decide which technologies deserved to be named Best of Show. Please join us in congratulating the following winners! A more detailed feature will run in our August ISTE Wrap-Up issue. 

View all of the Tech & Learning’s ISTE 2019 Best of Show Award winners >>

Lemma Shomali, Director of Gale’s K12 products, introduces Gale In Context: For Educators:

Learn how you can hustle smarter, not harder with Gale In Context: For Educators >>

This isn’t the first big win for Gale In Context. Gale In Context product suite won the 2016 Tech & Learning’s Best of Show at ISTE.

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