While uptake on eBooks has been phenomenally fast around the world, many users still long to see book content displayed in a traditional book format. Readers like the sense of “place” they experience on the printed page, the comfort of a familiar layout, and the reading breaks afforded by page turns.
The book-like online reading experience is prevalent across popular reading platforms, and user expectations have now translated to research eBooks as well.

The latest update for GVRL, Gale’s award-winning eBook platform, is introduced specifically to exceed those expectations. Book content displays in PDF format — exactly as it would in a print copy of the book — yet readers retain the search ability and important tools typically only available within the less-visual HTML format, like the ability to create citations, download articles, and email content.
Library users of every kind will appreciate this enhanced display:
- Readers of For Dummies books, travel guides, and graphically rich books from publishers like Dorling Kindersley will experience an enhanced context for illustrations.
- Academic researchers using STEM monographs
Click to enlarge. will find that search and discovery are even easier, as they enjoy the highly-visual onscreen book reading experience.
- Students exploring Encyclopaedia Britannica and Peterson’s publications will find they can interact more dynamically with the information.
It’s the best of both formats – the readability of print combined with all the tools that GVRL brings, including the online ability to search and navigate quickly, ReadSpeaker text-to-speech translation, bookmarking, sharing, article-level downloading, language translation, citation tools, and more.

Your eBook collection just got easier to use. This new experience is available online within GVRL today! You can also try GVRL with Interlink, a new tool that seamlessly connects users from current periodical content to authoritative eBooks for a rich, contextual cross-search experience. Register today to try the Interlink experience.
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