| By Shirelle Phelps |
With a new year, we often make resolutions regarding our health. After all, our health is very important to us. Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. If our health fails, it can overshadow everything else going on in our life. Making a commitment to take on healthier habits this new year is key to feeling better and achieving our goals.
If we examine the human body, we know that the heart pumps blood, kidneys filter urine, the brain is constantly thinking, and our lungs help us breathe. Maintaining all 11 body systems (circulatory, digestive, endocrine, integumentary, lymphatic, muscular, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, skeletal, and urinary/excretory) is crucial to living healthy. A balanced diet, exercise, and sleep are also key ingredients to great health. Our health is truly our wealth.
There is so much information to digest about health, but the award-winning Gale Encyclopedia of health product family makes it a lot easier to keep up with the latest fitness routines, trending diets, diseases to avoid, cancer treatments, surgical procedures, and mental health techniques to keep you healthy.
Products such as The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine, The Gale Encyclopedia of Surgery and Medical Tests, The Gale Encyclopedia of Public Health, The Gale Encyclopedia of Diets, and over 20 other eBooks in our unique health content sets allow you to access authoritative, comprehensive, professionally reviewed information on any health topic that is important to you.
For your health concerns, we advise you seek the advice of a medical professional, but while waiting, ease your mind by engaging with thousands of health topics in the Gale Encyclopedia of product line.
Each set is available via eBook on the Gale eBook platform, and many titles are featured in the Gale Health and Wellness database. You can also obtain the content in print editions.
Have a Happy, Healthy New Year!

Meet the Author
Shirelle Phelps is a director of content strategy & development for Gale’s products that highlight biographies, film, law, automotive (Chilton), science, and health content. She enjoys vacationing in the West with her family and taking bike riding adventures with her husband.