| By Gale Staff |
Newly added to Smithsonian Primary Sources in U.S. History: 75 primary sources with curriculum correlations for easy integration into the classroom. Content has been added across the eras, but especially boosts coverage of images related to African American history, Native American history, entertainers and writers, art and architecture, and leisure and play.
Among the new primary sources are:
- Elizabeth Eckford of the Little Rock Nine Enters Desegregated School
- Million Man March Participation Badge
- Apollo Theater Marquee
- Carlisle School, a Native American Boarding School
- Fearless Girl Statue, Wall Street
- Mount Rushmore under Construction
- James Baldwin Writing in New York Apartment
- Spike Lee and Danny Aiello on the Set of Do the Right Thing
- Prince with Purple Guitar
- Mouseketeers Annette Funicello and Jimmie Dodd
- Kewpie Doll Collection
- P. T. Barnum with Tom Thumb
- Twister Game

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