Who Are Your Patrons? Where Are They Coming From? And What Branches Do They Visit?  

Public Library Branch Insights and User Visits and Demographics

Patrons at your main branch mostly hail from all over town, but patrons at your eastside branch come from within just a few blocks away. Or do they?? Do you know how far people travel to get to a particular location? And, if you did know, how might it change your collection and outreach programs?

Branch Insights, a new Analytics On Demand app, tracks cardholders’ use across various branches in a single library system. With this information presented in maps and tables, you can gain insight into where and how individual patron types are engaging the library system so you can tailor materials, programs, services, and outreach to meet patron needs at each library site.

Read moreWho Are Your Patrons? Where Are They Coming From? And What Branches Do They Visit?  

7 Obscure March Holidays with InfoTrac Articles to Match

By Nick Schultz

When you think of March holidays, St. Patrick’s Day may be the only one that comes to mind. Well, I’m not Irish, so I felt the need to explore holidays I could rally behind… with food. The InfoTrac Culinary Arts Collection proved to be the perfect source!

Feel free to share these images and the links to the InfoTrac articles and recipes with your library users on social media. Lure them in with food!

Read more7 Obscure March Holidays with InfoTrac Articles to Match

In Other News: The Dress Debate

A look at a current news item through the lens of different Gale electronic resources.

By Michelle Eickmeyer

The Internet exploded last night. While this seems to happen more and more often, this particular episode highlighted a few interesting things to me. First, people care passionately about seemingly random things. People also seem to have very strong opinions on things which, in the sweep of things, don’t really matter. It was also an interesting display of how quickly anything — valuable or not — can infiltrate just about everyone’s social feeds. Even while the “whole world” (read: U.S.) is sleeping. Most importantly, lessons of ‘things aren’t always what they seem’ and ‘just because its on the internet doesn’t make it true’ abound.

Just to catch everyone up, a “controversy” spawned last night about whether a certain photographed dress was “white and gold” or “blue and black.” In said photo, I see white and gold. I’ve also seen pictures of a woman wearing the same dress at a wedding, where it is clearly blue and black. This morning, ABC ran a segment about it. It’s good background, and shows all of the images you need to make a decision. Or find ammunition for your counter-argument. Up to you. This article from The Atlantic also looks at the great debate.

Here’s a look through 4 online resources from Gale.

Read moreIn Other News: The Dress Debate

It’s Always Time to Love Thy Own Heart

By Jacqueline Longe

This winter has seen record lows with artic freezes, seas turned red by the blood of 21 Egyptians, a measles outbreak, viable threats of terrorism in malls across America, and a whole host of other things to make even the warmest of hearts turn cold.

Despite reason for melancholy, there is focus on one matter that we can all rally around—heart health. Though the leading cause of death in the United States and worldwide is heart disease, this month facing such a fact and doing something about it on a personal level is a step toward optimum health. That warms the heart.

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Women and the Cold War: A Unique Perspective with Archives Unbound

By Bob Lester

In the early 1950s, the Cold War contributed heavily to a change in American society and women’s roles. Once again, women were called upon to fulfill a role in the defense of America – on one hand to perpetuate the American population and on the other to promote American ideals abroad.

One of the more prominent women’s organizations created to promote American ideals, was the “Committee of Correspondence.” Beginning in 1952, this organization reached out to women political, social, and economic leaders in the Americas, the Western nations and newly-liberated Third World countries; to impress upon them Western democracy and to support the anti-Communist crusade. But, how did this organization achieve its goals and support America and the West’s political fight to win the hearts and minds of the global population? Who were the leaders and the members? What was accomplished during its existence? All of these questions and more can be answered in Archives Unbound’s digital collection entitled Transnational Organizing: The Committee of Correspondence, 1952-1969.

Read moreWomen and the Cold War: A Unique Perspective with Archives Unbound

Patrons We May Not See

By Tina M.  A patron came into the library one afternoon and was waiting patiently at the staff counter. I asked him if he needed any help and he did say someone was getting some hold items for him. He proceeded to tell me that he was so thankful we had the process of reserving … Read more

A Way of Life

By Deb C.  The library has always been an important part of my life. My first memories of the library where I grew up was walking to the little “store front” library branch around the corner and spending hours pouring over the nature books. I loved the smell of the old card catalogs! When I … Read more