I Love Libraries

By Alison W.  When I was small, my mother could bribe me for weeks with the promise to take me to the “big” county library where they had all the Oz books. Libraries have always felt like home to me. When I was 13, my family had relocated to a new town, during a summer … Read more

Dad Knows Something

By Scott H.  I have turned my daughter on to how valuable a resource our local library can be. The ability of Hamilton County Public Libraries to move materials to our local branch in a timely fashion has saved my daughter time and money. Now for school assignments, the latest CDs, even cook books my … Read more

A Safe Place!

By Gerry G. My love the library isn’t just because I work in the industry. My great appreciation comes from when my son was middle school struggling with being bullied, he found safety in the library. The librarian befriended him. He found solace there where he could read and explore. His relationship with the librarian … Read more

3 Generations of Library Users and Workers

By Marla H. 

When I was a child back in the 60’s, our library was in a very small house 4 blocks from my grandmother’s home. I loved going there in the summer and checking out as many books as I could then taking them to Granny’s house. I would spend lazy afternoons in her porch swing, reading about many different places and people. During the school year, I did the same thing only I used our large school library. I read nearly all of the books in the elementary library by the end of the 6th grade. Our Librarian, Miss Barker allowed my into the high school’s library but she always check to make sure it was appropriate reading for me. During my high school years, I was a volunteer in the school library for 2 years.

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Kid Smiles

By Cameron B.  Taking my kids to the library to have them start their journey into reading has been the most rewarding experience I could imagine. The access of the local public library, and the programs they offer for children and new parents allowed me to go in with a purpose and leave with a … Read more

My First Job

By J P. My very first job was at a library in high school, working as a page, staffing the circulation desk and shelving the history books (920 onward in the Dewey Decimal System). I liked it because it paid better than most of my friends’ jobs, and I didn’t leave smelling like fast food. … Read more

Serendipity is Just Another Example of a Good Librarian

By Rebecca B. My story is one similar to so many working parents these days: my husband and I both work full-time while raising young children. Our parents, our children’s grandparents, live in other states. Since the beginning of storytelling on cave walls, we’ve used written communication to teach our children life lessons, and, now … Read more