The Research Librarian of the Future: data scientist and co-investigator

In the article by The London School of Economics ans Political Science, Jeannette Ekstrom, Mikael Elbaek, Chris Erdmann and Ivo Grigorov discuss the disconnect between how research librarians see their role and its responsibilities and how theses are viewed by their faculty colleages. They rein in on their ideas on how the research librarian of … Read more

Studying the Classics with a Little Help from Technology

by Meghan Bogardus CortezTwitter Meghan is an associate editor with EdTech: Focus on Higher Education.   In this featured article in EdTech Magazine, proponents of digital humanities are discussed with the combination of art and literature and modern tech. At universities across the country, all types of students, whether they are majoring in literature or engineering, usually have … Read more

The Digital in the Humanities: A Special Interview Series

Published on April 26, 2016

LARBA piece by LARB Magazine. Check out Melissa Dinsman’s interview with Laura Mandell, full professor of English and the director of the Initiative for Digital Humanities, Media, and Culture at Texas A&M,



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