Adventures in 3D Anatomy: From Reluctant Developer to Enthusiastic User

| By Darren Hoffmann, Ph.D. | How is it possible that someone who has been involved in developing 3D anatomy technologies for 12 years took 7 of those years to find a way to teach with it effectively? I prided myself on being a great teacher. In every possible sense – a good explainer, an … Read more

Register Today! 3D Tools in Human Anatomy Courses and Curriculum Webinar

| By Sydney Fairman | Subjects like human anatomy are difficult to teach and can be frustrating for undergraduates. To overcome, students are often led to downloading applications on their phones or laptops. However, these applications may not have the best approaches towards learning the complex and often tedious material. Join us and the American … Read more

Three Cheers for Gale Interactive

Gale Interactive— a visual learning aid that helps instructors teach complex topics in biology, chemistry, and human anatomy— allows users to zoom, rotate, and explore 3D models to engage with science beyond static text. By unifying learning strategies and state-of-the-art technology, Gale Interactive helps boost student engagement, comprehension, and retention of complex science concepts. Recently, … Read more

Master Human Anatomy in a STEM World

Human anatomy is known to be a challenging subject to master and teach, but traditional resources and lab materials are often limited, making it difficult for students to comprehend essential concepts. With a growing demand for STEM jobs paired with less than 40% of STEM students earning a degree, the time is now to introduce … Read more

Create an Immersive Experience with Gale Interactive

Gale Interactive: Human Anatomy and Chemistry have been positively reviewed recently by Magan Szwarek, a director of Reference Services. A lover of audiobooks and a dedicated readers’ advisor, Magan serves on the Steering Committee of the Adult Reading Round Table and is enthusiastic about re-imaging what public libraries can offer the communities they serve. This impressive review, published … Read more