Programming for Patrons Who Love the Cold

| By Fred Zimmerman, Product Manager, Analytics On Demand | Analytics On Demand helps libraries achieve their strategic priorities by applying state-of-the-art data analytics tools, running on the highly-regarded Alteryx platform. Analytics On Demand blends data exported from the library ILS, in a simple spreadsheet form, with detailed household-level demographic and psychographic data from many sources … Read more

Get Started in Genealogy with the 3 W’s


October is National Family History Month. Do you have the genealogy and family history resources that genealogists and enthusiasts in your community need? And do they know how to get started?

Help your family historians and researchers make deeper historic connections while exploring their roots. Gale Genealogy Connect – the ideal complement to fact/people-based genealogy sources – fills in the rich context and real stories surrounding chronology that pre-dates accessible public records.

Get started in genealogy with the 3 W’s:

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Whipping Up the Right Mix of Cooking Resources

Sushi.  Cupcakes.  Acai.  Paleo.  Kale.  Hot food trends never end.  And neither do peoples’ interests in cooking for their friends and family.  But many want to look beyond Pinterest and popular websites to learn new skills and take a fresh look at culinary arts.

Members of your community are hungry for resources to help them develop their cooking skills and repertoire.

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Programming Tips for National Family Caregiving Month

Caregiver resources and ebooks

With an estimated 21% of American families involved in family caregiving responsibilities, National Family Caregiving Month is one worth observing at your library. Whether you are looking for quick links to trustworthy information, places to request a speaker, or a good book club idea, bringing National Family Caregiving Month to your library will be easy with this collection of online resources.

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Picture This:  Your community’s photography interests covered

Photography Programming Public Library

By Tina Creguer

Jay, a young professional, has always been interested in photography.  And now he finally has the time (sort of) and resources to pursue that interest more seriously.  He’s done with taking photos on his iPhone and trying to pass them off as artistic works.  Time to learn some real skills to make the most of his new digital camera.  He has found some free how-to videos online, but wants more reliable and professional instruction.  Where can he turn for expert resources?

More than 26 million people in the US participated in photography in 20101 – with varying levels of expertise.  With the lower cost of quality digital cameras making them more accessible than ever and the increasingly “photo-centric” nature of communications (especially with social media), this hobby is gathering steam.

Read morePicture This:  Your community’s photography interests covered

Ideas for Hosting Craft Activities at Your Library

book necklace crafts

Looking for some fun summer workshops? Get crafty! Check out these “13 Bookish Crafts Perfect to Make this Summer.” Personally, I love the jewelry most, but how amazing would it be to hang a chandelier made from book pages in your library?

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Secret Search Tips Revealed by a GVRL Expert

Vegetable Garden library resources

By Nicole Rakozy

As the weather heats up and as school lets out, many of us are thinking of outdoor activities and summer projects. For me, summer fever has introduced idealistic visions of cultivating a vegetable garden with my one-year old daughter, but unfortunately I know very little about growing plants. In full disclosure: Some of my potted companions did not survive their winter stay at Casa de Rakozy. And despite my understanding that gardening with a toddler is likely to have more to do with stopping her from eating dirt rather than tilling it, I decided to give it a shot.

My first step was to do some research to answer basic questions like: What tools will I need? Where is the best spot to put a garden? Which plants are easiest to grow? I began by skimming one of the many gardening and horticulture e-books available to me in Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL).

Read moreSecret Search Tips Revealed by a GVRL Expert