Celebrate African American History Month with Gale’s For Students Series

| By Sarah Robertson | In 1960, a woman who had been a writer and scholar all her life died in relative obscurity in a welfare home. Her remains were buried in an unmarked grave, where they were forgotten for more than a decade. Today, that woman is considered a central figure in African American … Read more

February Is American Heart Month

| By Brigham Narins | February was designated American Heart Month by the American Heart Association, and the first official observance was established by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1963. The purpose of the month-long observance is to raise awareness of heart diseases—the number one killers of Americans, according to the Center for Disease Control … Read more

Save the Date! Booklist Webinar on Increasing Youth Literacy

| By Sydney Fairman | Join your peers during Booklist’s webinar, “Large Print, Big Advantages: Strategies for Increasing Youth Literacy” on February 12, 2019 at 2 p.m. ET. Hear how schools and public libraries are using large print to improve comprehension and develop essential lifelong learning skills. Plus, discover the exciting new releases coming in … Read more

Finding Hidden Figures with Gale’s Biography In Context

| By Laura Avery | February is Black History Month, which is dedicated to recognizing the contributions of Americans of African descent. While Gale’s Biography In Context offers extensive content on well-known African Americans of various occupations, such as civil rights activists Pauli Murray and Fannie Lou Hamer, artists Jean-Michel Basquiat and Edmonia Lewis, and … Read more

A Christmas Carol: Keynesian, Freudian, and Spiritualist Perspectives on a Holiday Classic

| By Gale Staff |

Most think of Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol (1843) as the heartwarming story of how a coldhearted miser turns from his ruthless and greedy ways to a life of charity and joy, embracing love and egalitarianism as a reflection of the Christmas spirit. Some scholars, however, would argue that such a reading gets it wrong. The novella, which receives thorough treatment in the digital collections of Gale Literary Sources, has been the subject of unexpected interpretations by critics who seek to illuminate its author, contextualize its composition, and explicate its allegorical content.

Read moreA Christmas Carol: Keynesian, Freudian, and Spiritualist Perspectives on a Holiday Classic

Free Access to Gale Digital Resources Now Available to All Ohio Residents

| By Sydney Fairman | The purpose of Libraries Connect Ohio (LCO) is to ensure that all Ohioans have access to a core collection of information resources and library services that will help them compete in the global knowledge economy. Alongside its related partners, – OhioLink, OPLIN and INFOhio – LCO has partnered with Gale to … Read more

Citizens Library and City Mission Partner to Bring Gale Courses to Residents

| By Sydney Fairman | City Mission, a local non-profit dedicated to helping restore independent living to the homeless, has partnered with Citizens Library to help their residents gain career insight and professional skills. One of the aspects driving the partnership is Gale Courses. Offered at Citizen’s Library, Gale Courses gives community members free, easy … Read more

Bring the Movember Movement to Your Library

| By Gale Staff | As the men in your community forgo shaving for the month of November to bring awareness to men’s health issues, your library has the perfect resource to answer questions and shed light on these very serious topics. From authoritative information on prostate cancer to peer-reviewed journal articles on the latest … Read more

Writing on the Día de Muertos

| By Gale Staff | Día de Muertos, Day of the Dead, is observed in Mexico on 2 November, the final day of a celebration that begins on Halloween. Though practices differ from city to city, the holiday is generally an opportunity to honor deceased loved ones, for whom families prepare ofrendas, or altars, which … Read more

Gale Resources for National Native American Heritage Month

| By Sydney Fairman | November is National Native American Heritage Month, which was originally authorized and requested by President George H.W. Bush in 1990 and has since been issued as an annual proclamation by all subsequent presidents. These proclamations urge Americans to celebrate and recognize the many contributions, accomplishments, and sacrifices of Native Americans … Read more