Not Your Mother’s Large Print

By Mary Kelly

Back in olden times, large print was hardly full of current best sellers.  When I was growing up, large print materials were relegated to one of the dustier corners of the library complete and with the occasional old person looking for something. It was a small collection and to be honest, kind of crappy looking. There was no real cover art and the selection seemed to be only romance. This is what I remember as a youngster. Well now I am one of the “old people” and we aren’t going to do that anymore.  I can only imagine that many people my age remember this as well.  

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Good Week To Be Large Print: 60% of NYT Fiction Hardcover Bestsellers, 2 Pulitzer Prize Winners

Posted on May 3rd, 2016 

We’re having a good week at Thorndike, and this news is also good for libraries – and all readers who appreciate the ease of access that large print provides.  Here’s what we’re excited about:

  • Of the seven books debuting on the New York Times Print Hardcover Best Sellers Fiction list the week of April 24, five are titles available from Thorndike in large print.
  • Overall, of the 20 published/extended titles on the Print Hardcover Best Sellers Fiction list, we offer 12 (that’s 60%!) in large print.
  • In addition, Thorndike offers two newly announced Pulitzer Prize-winning books in large print.

Our editorial staff is thrilled, as we continue our quest to put the BEST titles in the best (most accessible to all) format in readers’ hands as quickly as possible. (BEST titles in the best format?? TOP titles? Don’t want to use Best twice.

Read moreGood Week To Be Large Print: 60% of NYT Fiction Hardcover Bestsellers, 2 Pulitzer Prize Winners