| By Gale Staff |
We’re pleased to announce a new user experience is planned for Associations Unlimited and Gale’s Ready Reference Shelf (including a name change to Research Unlimited).
On January 9, 2020, both subscription products will migrate to the newly enhanced Gale Directory Library platform. The addition of essential workflow tools and expanded data sorting, filtering, and exporting will make this popular collection of online directories easier to use than ever before.
We’re excited to introduce the following enhancements:
Home Page
- Enjoy a unified experience across Gale products.
- Search across all directories in the library’s collection.
- Search on an individual directory in the collection.
- Cover images now display for each directory, along with a brief description.
- A contextual and “sticky” toolbar ensures that the most important research tools are always in the user’s view.

- Users can download to Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive locally or via email.
- Combined export now includes Common, Expanded, and People options from the same screen, with delivery options also included.
- Now able to export up to 1,000 records per export from the user’s search results, and a range can be input (e.g., 500‒1,500) to export subsequent records.

Basic Search
- Relevance in basic search has been enhanced—closer matches sort to the top of the search results list.
- Basic search has been streamlined for users to search by entity name, subject, or keyword in a single search.
Advanced Search
- Simplified product selection enables users to cross-search content.
- Browsable search indexes are available that allow users to select search terms from a drop-down menu or make check-box selections.

Enhanced subscription resources include the following titles:
Gale Directory Library: Associations Unlimited includes:
- Encyclopedia of Associations: National Organizations of the U.S.
- Encyclopedia of Associations: International Organizations
- Encyclopedia of Associations: Regional, State, and Local Organizations
- National Directory of Nonprofit Organizations
Gale Ready Reference Shelf (to be renamed Gale Directory Library: Research Unlimited) includes:
- Encyclopedia of Associations: National Organizations of the U.S.
- Encyclopedia of Associations: International Organizations
- Encyclopedia of Associations: Regional, State, and Local Organizations
- Gale Directory of Publications and Broadcast Media
- Directory of Special Libraries and Information Centers
- Government Research Directory
- International Research Centers Directory
- Publishers Directory
- Research Centers Directory
- National Directory of Nonprofit Organizations*
- Scholarships, Fellowships, and Loans*
- National Faculty Directory*
- Statistics Sources*
*Indicates newly added title. Encyclopedia of American Religions, Directories in Print, and Gale Directory of Databases have been discontinued/canceled.
Ready to become an expert on Gale Directory Library: Associations Unlimited and Gale Directory Library: Research Unlimited? Be sure to register for training on Wednesday, January 8, 2020.