Descubre los novedosos títulos juveniles en español de Thorndike Press

| Por Tiffany Schofield, Editora Senior de Adquisiciones, Thorndike Press | Los estudiantes bilingües emergentes enfrentan desafíos únicos al adquirir destrezas en el inglés, por lo que brindarles recursos adecuados es esencial. Los libros de letra grande son una solución para la enseñanza de lectoescritura que ha demostrado ser efectiva. Según un estudio reciente, casi … Read more

Discover Our First Spanish-Language Youth Large Print Titles for Students

| By Tiffany Schofield, Senior Acquisitions Editor, Thorndike Press | Emerging bilingual students face unique challenges in acquiring English proficiency. Providing them with appropriate resources is essential. Large print books are a simple literacy solution that’s proven to be effective. According to a recent study, almost two-thirds of teachers reported that using large print text … Read more

Get the Checklist: 7 Things to Look for in Curriculum-Aligned Content

| By Gale Staff | Using high-quality educational content in the classroom is essential to shaping students’ academic success—but how can you make sure your school is using content that supports both your curriculum and student achievement? With more content available than ever, educators must vet instructional resources to ensure they’re credible, aligned to standards, … Read more

Two Worlds Collide: Combining the Power of Gale In Context: Elementary and National Geographic Kids

| By Anthony Boussie| Engaging young learners can be challenging. Educators and librarians are looking for age-appropriate content that fits into the curriculum and is easy to share. Parents expect educational experiences tailored to their children’s unique needs. And kids just want to have fun while they’re learning! It’s a big job, so we’re bringing … Read more

​​5 Tips to Drive Student Engagement with a More Inclusive Curriculum

| By Gale Staff | Curriculum directors play a crucial role in shaping the educational experiences of students. But how can you ensure students are engaged in the content they’re learning? Developing a curriculum that reflects the diverse backgrounds and experiences of your student body is essential to capture student attention and improve learning outcomes. … Read more

Explore Diwali with Elementary Learners

| By Gale Staff | Predominantly a Hindu festival practiced in India, Diwali—also known as the Festival of Lights—is celebrated by a variety of people from different faiths all over the world. You may even have students in your class who observe the holiday with their families. Still used in modern India to establish important … Read more

Hear The Voices of the Time: Pearl Harbor

| By Gale Staff | On December 7, 1941, there was an attack on the Pearl Harbor U.S. military base. Despite World War II’s looming presence, the United States was not actively involved in the war and, thus, was unprepared for an enemy military offensive. Over 2,000 Americans were killed, and the assault remains the … Read more

9 Ways to Personalize Instruction to Drive Student Success

| By Gale Staff | In today’s educational landscape, each student brings unique strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles to the classroom. A one-size-fits-all approach to instruction doesn’t set every student up for success. By addressing the individual needs of each student, personalized instruction can foster engagement, drive motivation, and lead to student achievement. Of course, … Read more

COVID-19 Update: Variants and Vaccines

| By K. Lee Lerner | Most people are trying to put the COVID-19 pandemic, with all its tragedies, disruptions, uncertainties, and inanities, in the rearview mirror. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 global health emergency on May 5, and the United States declared the public health emergency on May 11. Budget realities … Read more

Engage Learners with 4 Different Types of Text Sets

| By Char Shryock, Education Leadership Consultant | “The more knowledge students have about the world, the better their reading comprehension is. The better they read, the better able they are to access more complex and compelling reading material and build more knowledge to become even better readers. Reading ability and building knowledge are mutually … Read more