Testing & Education Reference Center Has an Impressive New Look

In summer 2017, the Testing & Education Reference Center interface was enhanced; making it easier to navigate, offering multiple access points to content, and a more uniformed feel across the general site, online courses, and practice tests. Best of all, the resource was mobile optimized for any screen size and on any device. Additionally, students … Read more

Raise Your Hand If You Want to Know More About Usage, Part II

By Scott Steward

Welcome back to the Gale Technical Solutions blog series!

This is part two in a two part series.

In my last issue (usage part l), I focused on Gale’s definition of the usage metrics we report and how they are counted.  If you haven’t read it yet, you can find it here: http://blog.gale.com/raise-your-hand-if-you-want-to-know-more-about-usage/.

For this issue, I will be continuing my discussion about usage, focusing on the factors that affect usage such as discovery services, LMS, openURL and direct links.

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Raise Your Hand If You Want to Know More About Usage, Part I

By Scott Steward The topic I want to discuss is Usage, but since usage is such a broad topic, I will break it up into two posts. In Part I, I will be focusing on some usage basics; what metrics Gale reports and how they are counted. The next blog, Part II, I will focus on … Read more

Library Journal Webcast – High School Diplomas @ the Public Library

October, 20, 2016 Public Libraries have supported education and enlightenment for years.  But what if your library could actually produce high school graduates?  It can.  With Career Online High School (COHS) from Gale. It’s already happening at more than 100 public libraries across the country – adults are being engaged back into the educational system … Read more

Library Crusaders: How You Can Help Your Community’s Workforce

By Kim Martin

Libraries as Workforce Development Partners

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014, which became effective July 2015, identifies public libraries as potential partners of the American Job Center network and acknowledges the ability of libraries to provide an expansive array of job search services. Increased funding for career-related resources are available from the act. Additionally, the new law recognizes libraries as important providers of federally supported programs in adult education and literacy. These types of resources can increase training and employment possibilities for patrons.

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New library program can earn students a high school diploma

Posted April 20, 2016

By Livi Stanford

Originally published in the Daily Commercial

TAVARES, FL — Crystal Siblag lost her father at age 10.The event crippled her. She found it hard to focus on her studies. “My mom remarried when I was 16 and I took that hard,” Siblag said.

As a result, she did not graduate high school — a decision that affected her in numerous ways. But it was not until 15 years later that the decision came back to haunt her.

When Crystal’s husband was having a conversation with her son, Hunter, he informed him in passing that his mother did not graduate high school.

Hunter, in disbelief, had to directly confront his mother on the issue.

When Crystal faced her son to confirm her husband’s statement, she knew it was not a reality she wanted to live with for the rest of her life.

“I wanted to improve,” she said.

Read moreNew library program can earn students a high school diploma

Recommended For 5-Year AdvancED/SACS/NCA/NWAC Re-Accreditation

Published April 4, 2106

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, March 18 – Dr. Howard Liebman, Superintendent of Schools, announced today that Smart Horizons Career Online Education (SHCOE), the world’s first private online school district, has been recommended for AdvancED 5-year re-accreditation. Cited for creating a “culture of hope” for so many individuals who have been disengaged from our educational system, the AdvancED administrative lead Dr. Darrell Barringer said he will “forever forward remain an evangelist for this program.”

Read moreRecommended For 5-Year AdvancED/SACS/NCA/NWAC Re-Accreditation

With eBooks on GVRL, Librarians Always Have Something Up Their Sleeve

Published February 9, 2016

By Holly Hibner, Adult Services Coordinator, Plymouth (MI) District Library

eBooks on the Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL) platform is one-stop shopping for all of your ready reference needs! Patrons will be impressed at the wealth of information that librarians can provide with just a few clicks. Let’s look at a few examples.

Here’s a familiar scenario: a high school student is writing a paper about Bill Gates. He is only allowed one internet source, and is looking for some book sources. What a perfect use of GVRL!  Sure, the database is accessed via the Internet, but the sources themselves are books. Glorious, full-text reference books!

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New LGBTQ Digital Archive Collection Just Released–Trial Now

Posted February 8, 2016

by Jessica Bomarito, Acquisitions Editor, Gale

Gale Digital Collections

Archives of Human Sexuality and Identity: LGBTQ History and Culture since 1940

With material drawn from hundreds of institutions and organizations, including both major international activist organizations and local, grassroots groups, the documents in the Archives of Human Sexuality and Identity: LGBTQ History and Culture since 1940 present important aspects of LGBTQ life in the second half of the twentieth century and beyond. The archive illuminates the experiences not just of the LGBTQ community as a whole, but of individuals of different races, ethnicities, ages, religions, political orientations, and geographical locations that constitute this community. Historical records of political and social organizations founded by LGBTQ individuals are featured, as well as publications by and for lesbians and gays, and extensive coverage of governmental responses to the AIDS crisis. The archive also contains personal correspondence and interviews with numerous LGBTQ individuals, among others. The archive includes gay and lesbian newspapers from more than 35 countries, reports, policy statements, and other documents related to gay rights and health, including the worldwide impact of AIDS, materials tracing LGBTQ activism in Britain from 1950 through 1980, and more.

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Libraries Introduce Hot New Fashion Accessories: Cap and Gown

Posted February 8, 2016

By Kim Martin

“Pomp and Circumstance” has come to public libraries.

The library, always the province of learning and enlightenment, has kicked things up a notch.  In addition to providing information, access to knowledge, community resources, personal development programming, and (of course) story time for kids, a group of progressive libraries around the country are now actively providing a path for adults to achieve a high school diploma.  And it’s working.

Read moreLibraries Introduce Hot New Fashion Accessories: Cap and Gown