Zombies in the Library

I worked in a library during high school, but left for college. I was hired back as a clerk at the library and was assigned to help with our teen programming events. This was my first real foray into the teen world at a library and I was terrified of having to plan my first activity. I decided that I wanted to do a Humans vs. Zombies night at the library, so I bought the dart guns, put the word out, and crossed my fingers.

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North Logan City Library Fosters a Love of Art in Children in the Community

By Hanna I.

While I was a college student working as a library clerk, I found a way to combine my work with two of my passions: art and teaching children. During that time, I was studying to become an elementary school teacher. As I spent time in elementary schools as part of my education, I noticed that there is a trend in our nation towards high stakes testing in math, reading, and science, which has an unfortunate consequence of squeezing the arts out of the curriculum.

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By Barbara M. 

Where I grew up, visiting the library was a Saturday morning downtown trip . My mother, heading for the Bargain Basement at Hess’ Dept Store, dropped me off and I excitedly ran up many stone library steps to open tall, wooden and glass doors. Enormous bronze handles easily gave way to the children’s section waiting for me on the second floor.

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If You’re Reading this Blog, Thank a Techie

eBooks for Techies

Technology-savvy people are the explorers and gladiators of our great Information Age.  Without them, we’d have no blogs, our phones wouldn’t be smart, and none of us would be able to look up the name of that actress we always forget from you-know-that-one-show in a few keystrokes.  The Techie’s thirst for knowledge – whether budding young techies or adult tech users – is boundless.

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Help Patrons Get Ahead of Movie Releases by Stocking Up on Large Print

Before they were stars…soon-to-be movie blockbuster titles available in large print!

Ahem…and cue the announcer! “IN A WORLD dominated by video and movies, a plucky group of librarians dares to put large-print books into the hands of readers starved for stories in the most readable format available.”

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50 Years of Busing

By Shannon Ostrowski
Sr. Marketing Manager and planner of all Gale/ALA related fun

Welcome to Detroit!

In 1965, the U.S. military was entrenched in the Vietnam War, the average cost of a new home was $21,500, the price of a first class stamp was $0.05, and the Green Bay Packers won the 33rd, and final, NFL Championship game.

Also in 1965, Gale, known back than as Gale Research Company, started sponsoring the ALA shuttle buses.

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New Titles Added to the InfoTrac Collections in February 2015

The titles below have been recently added and can be located in the product using Basic or Advanced Search forms. Titles can be found via Browse Publications within two weeks. For complete coverage information please see the product title lists.

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