When a Question Reveals a Collection

Ms. Valentine, do you have a book on the Greek alphabet?

Why, yes. Yes I do.

It’s Camp Read a lot time, and I can hear children at the picnic table, their voices raised to that particular shrillness that usually means an argument is about to boil over. There’s activity over at the fishing pond, too – but I don’t have a line of direct sight to the lines to see if anyone is swinging them…ah, no swinging yet. But I have, I estimate, about forty seconds to help you find a book on the Greek alphabet. After that, who knows what will happen with the fishing lines and the picnic argument.

You walk over to the foreign language collection in the 400s, perhaps the shelf I am prouder of than any other in this collection of 14,000 items. I built it from nothing, almost. We needed materials for our ESL students.

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Viva Free Access to Las Vegas Travel Guides

ALA Annual 2014 in Las Vegas

The ALA program (as always) is jam-packed with famous keynote authors and actors, hundreds of sessions addressing all the hot topics facing the library world today, and a hall full of exhibitors who are pulling out all the stops to bring the glitz and glory of Vegas to the tradeshow floor. It’s almost too much excitement for one attendee to bear.

And yet, outside the walls of the Las Vegas Convention Center and various hotel meeting rooms, there is an entire city bustling with activity 24/7. Since you’ll be short on free time (and maybe energy), you’ll want to make sure you’re making the most of every minute.

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