Highlights and Notes tool coming to Gale’s digital resources

We all know the rules – don’t take notes in your textbooks and don’t write in books you’ve checked out from the library, or else you might face a fine.

As eBooks and digital resources have become more and more popular, a similar problem has presented itself: how can a user easily take notes without opening a separate program? Gale has found the solution with our new Highlights and Notes tool, scheduled to launch on or around Tuesday, September 30, in Artemis Literary Sources, GVRL, In Context*, InfoTrac, Kids InfoBits, Literature Resource Center, LitFinder, and PowerSearch.

Read moreHighlights and Notes tool coming to Gale’s digital resources

New Customer Data Upload Feature for DemographicsNow! Business and People

DemographicsNow Public Library Business Resource

Now, business researchers and  small business owners can be even savvier with more customer knowledge.  A new feature within DemographicsNow! gives your users the ability to upload their customer or business data and blend it with rich consumer information, like demographics, psychographics, and Experian consumer segments!

Read moreNew Customer Data Upload Feature for DemographicsNow! Business and People

Gale Artemis: Literary Sources gives you more with cross-searching

Artemis Literary Sources

Did you hear the news? Gale Artemis: Literary Sources is taking another step towards helping you get the literary information you need when you need it with the additions of Something About the Author and Dictionary of Literary Biography! If you have these series, you’ll now be able to cross-search with other incredible literary sources like Twayne’s Authors Online, Scribner Writers Online, Literature Criticism Online, and more.

Read moreGale Artemis: Literary Sources gives you more with cross-searching

More Newspapers for NewsVault while MOMW Now Links to Gale Artemis

Gale NewsVault, the definitive cross-searching experience for Gale’s range of historical newspaper and periodical collections, has added British Newspapers IV, 1780-1950, Punch Historical Archive, 1841-1992, and The Independent Digital Archive, 1986-2012. The collections will now appear within the resource.

Read moreMore Newspapers for NewsVault while MOMW Now Links to Gale Artemis

Featured Publisher: Rourke Educational Media

An ongoing look at partner publishers available through GVRL

By Geoff Schwartz

Rourke Educational Media (Rourke) has been publishing eye-catching, engaging nonfiction children’s books that comply with national curriculum standards since 1980.

Read moreFeatured Publisher: Rourke Educational Media

We’re Putting Gale Artemis: Primary Sources Front and Center

The next time you’re browsing your favorite essential primary source collection from Gale, be on the lookout for something new–and pretty exciting, if we do say so ourselves.

On the far right of the menu bar, you’ll now see an orange item that reads “Artemis Primary Sources.” Click on it to expand for an explanation of our new Gale Artemis cross-search experience and to try your search using the new interface. 

Read moreWe’re Putting Gale Artemis: Primary Sources Front and Center

New Titles Added to the InfoTrac Collections in June and July 2014

The titles below have been recently added and can be located in the product using Basic or Advanced Search forms. Titles can be found via Browse Publications within two weeks. For complete coverage information please see the product title lists.

Read moreNew Titles Added to the InfoTrac Collections in June and July 2014